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  1. S

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    Old thread I know, but I figured I'd post in case any other SKers are here. I'm in Seoul so if any other expats stumble upon this message while checking this thread out, send me a message. Just trying to do some networking and find some like minded folks around my parts.
  2. S

    still in seoul by any chance man?!?

    still in seoul by any chance man?!?
  3. S

    Hey Joon, I'm a Korean in SK as well. Sounds like we're in the same boat? Also looks like...

    Hey Joon, I'm a Korean in SK as well. Sounds like we're in the same boat? Also looks like you've been active fairly recently so maybe there's some hope you're still around. Any chance you have had any luck since you've been back from NZ? If so, help a guy out! If not, maybe we can go hunting...
  4. S

    still in SK?

    still in SK?
  5. S

    hey man, fellow korean in south k. wondering if you're still around and can point a fellow...

    hey man, fellow korean in south k. wondering if you're still around and can point a fellow korean in the right direction?
  6. S

    Hey dude, wondering if you're still in SK. Haven't seen any recent activity from you so maybe...

    Hey dude, wondering if you're still in SK. Haven't seen any recent activity from you so maybe you're not around anymore but I would much appreciate any help you could send my way. I'm STARVING out here lol.
  7. S

    Hey you still in south k?

    Hey you still in south k?
  8. S

    Hey man, I saw a post you replied to regarding a fellow in Seoul, South Korea that was having a...

    Hey man, I saw a post you replied to regarding a fellow in Seoul, South Korea that was having a very similar problem as I am having. If you're still living in the area or in SK, can you please help a guy out? If you're out of the area then maybe you can point me in the right direction?!?