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  1. C

    Rusty brown spots all over late in flower...Advise PLEASE

    Here are some new pics. now that they are on flush, its not getting better but its not getting
  2. C

    Rusty brown spots all over late in flower...Advise PLEASE

    Wow..thanks. all great advice. First im growin in 6x6 hugo rockwool in trays w/ top drip sys dual res. 35gal each. I have gone throught the mite thing and have a handle on it. my trick is azamax in the res at a lower dose than recomended through veg and into the first week of flower. thats...
  3. C

    Rusty brown spots all over late in flower...Advise PLEASE

    I got yhese rusty brown spost and dont know if is Mg or K def....or if its that at all. Im day 70 from switch to 12/12 so im close bout 10-14 days away. strain is Triple OG. GH nutes w/ Hygrozyme/great white and Humbolt crystal burst. ppm was 1300 ph5.5 but now im weening down and at 900ppm...
  4. C

    Help identifing male of female please

    Beyond a mystery!!. Im tellin ya...I took the clones myself. they were girls that I cycled before and had to many so I put a couple in my buddies backyard. I had an infestation, so I decided to start over and cloned off the girls in his yard...i just saw them today, all hairy and crystally. From...
  5. C

    Help identifing male of female please

    I yanked them...:( Ive been reading all over and everyone says you cant turn a female full male, only herm. But i personally took these clones from a female which is a white haired beauty right now i just dont get it. and the ones that switched werent herms...they were full on...
  6. C

    Identifying Male Or Female

    These girls look to me like guys....but i cant be sure. they are about 10 days into flower. i need to yank em soon if they are so they dont ruin my other girls. thanks
  7. C

    Help identifing male of female please

    Hey all, Im on my third grow and have a couple girls that might be boys in my flower room. They are about 10 days into 12/12 and im just not experienced to tell but might remove just to be safe. They are clones of a known female that is flowering outdoors in soil. I cloned them and veged them...