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  1. N

    Marijuana Survey

    Thanks you for backing me up! Trust me, i hate spam.
  2. N

    Marijuana Survey

    this isnt spam. just tryna get some perspective
  3. N

    Marijuana Survey

    Yo. I created this survey. Can you guys please fill this out. It'll only take a sec. Also re-post it and send it to people. Send to tokers and non-tokers. This survey is real important. Thanks every one! heres the link stay high!:leaf:
  4. N

    Convincing my mom...

    he has been, she doesnt like that he gets high either
  5. N

    Convincing my mom...

    So me and my dad both get high, but my mom still thinks it is terrible, and freaks out about me getting high. I made her watch the union, but she still think weed is horrible for you. She has never even gotten high. How can I convince her that weed in not nearly as harmful as she thinks it is...
  6. N

    Food Commercials When Baked

    When your high and don't have anything to eat, food commercials are the worst thing in the world! I get so hungry man! On the other hand, I love watching food commercials and than driving out to eat. What do you guys think? (im baked right now.)
  7. N

    The best way to smoke pot

    Vapes are the best. I used to smoke mostly joints and bowls, but since i got my MFLB I haven't combusted at all. I get really high off less than gram of high mids and none of the bad effects like coughing and headaches.
  8. N

    Vaped weed fire crackers in microwave?

    I have like 2 grams of already vaped weed. If i made a firecracker in the microwave would it have good effects?
  9. N

    My dad and me!

    I have plenty of friends, I just think it would be awesome to toke with my dad.
  10. N

    My dad and me!

    So me and my dad both toke, and we both know we do. We always joke about getting high together, but we have never actually done it. I though that maybe it would happen soon but i fucked up this summer. I got kicked out of a camp I work at for blazing with my co-counslers. So now our relationship...