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  1. J

    24 days into flower. Tips?

    All the older books say not to remove leaves. I use a SOG net and do remove leaves to assist light reaching any and all buds. I have found my harvests are better and I see no ill effects on the plants growth process. And of course anything below the SOG net is simply removed - buds and leaves...
  2. J

    Are these spider mite eggs? Microscope pics..

    Thanks for posting the micro pics. Spider mite eggs and tricomes on vegging leaves undersides look a lot alike ! I too was looking at back side of leaves and saw these "eggs" . I do not have mites and the grow room plant with the most of these 'eggs' is an older (2 month) plant. Some are clear...
  3. J

    If u leave plants outside over the winter do they grow back in the spring??????

    I had a UK Cheese strain last year that grew to about 6 feet. After harvest, I clipped off and shaped the plant, covered with a heavy black plastic garbage bag that was staked to the ground allowing no light. About May 1st, I uncovered and allowed to have sun - if came back ! Ended up with 3/4...
  4. J

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    What Are Humic and Fulvic Acids? In case someone wants to know - good for humans too - I use a similar product to my teas Humic acid and fulvic acid are types of “humic substances,” the major components of organic matter found throughout nature as a result of the action of millions...
  5. J

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas or maybe calcitic lime ? I havent trkinda ied the fish meal yet. I have three plants that I can try different "fixs" - kinda like that better than the CalMag - thanks
  6. J

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    But if something does go wrong and you have a Mg deficiency, adding Epson Salts or like Cal Mag + to leaves and soil is the fix. So if no salts in soil, how do you fix this problem?
  7. J

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Nick17gar - Magnesium (Mg): Wouldn't you also see redish purple stripping strating at base of plant? I noticed your leaf shot had a purple stem. Thats tell tell for (Mg) deficiency too. I could snap off a few pictures of the striping
  8. J

    Help bottom leaves turning yellow and burning ----Help

    Hello - I could not see any lower main stem pics - do you see any purple striping starting at the base of the trunk and working its way up? Also, in advanced Mag deficiently you will see the lower stems of the fan leaves turn color too. A generally lighter color green and lower leaves turning...