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  1. Lanegreen

    First grow Need advice

    those are not t5's that bulb is too thick i agree just put them outside its about that time anyway just pay attention to them and be careful dont let NO ONE know where ur spot is, dont even let them know ur growing!
  2. Lanegreen

    my 2 girls 12/12 from seed 7 weeks

    well some ups are you find out the sex quicker obviously also the the height is a lot shorter and you dont need such big pots so your grow room has more space
  3. Lanegreen

    my 2 girls 12/12 from seed 7 weeks

    no there 7 weeks old not 7 weeks in flower as u can see one of the plants is just getting hairs
  4. Lanegreen

    my 2 girls 12/12 from seed 7 weeks

    yeah i just did a grow with a vegged girl and her buds were huge but the electric bill is hurting my pockets gotta stick to 12/12 for a little going to try an outdoor grow this year 2
  5. Lanegreen

    my 2 girls 12/12 from seed 7 weeks

    what does this do to the plant?
  6. Lanegreen

    my 2 girls 12/12 from seed 7 weeks

    no veg at all straight 12/12 and damn the t5's are 6500k the cfls are 2700
  7. Lanegreen

    my 2 girls 12/12 from seed 7 weeks

    i hadn't even payed attention to that i just moved them in the closet. Thanks!
  8. Lanegreen

    my 2 girls 12/12 from seed 7 weeks

    new to it but i thought the buds would be a little bigger by now but should i tie down or anything else you would do with another plant?
  9. Lanegreen

    Are reggie seeds worth growing???

    thanks a lot it was my first grow so i knew there was gunna be some problems but FUCK IT im just really proud i got thru it and got a product at the end of the day im looking forward to future grows to do better!
  10. Lanegreen

    Are reggie seeds worth growing???

    couldnt have said it better myself believe me if it is ur first grow theres going to be a lot of trial and error but RIU helps a lot thats how i got my girls looking so pretty
  11. Lanegreen

    Are reggie seeds worth growing???

    i get what everyone is saying but you guys must have some horrible reggie seeds cuz im in new york and every reggie seed i've planted has never hermied indoor or out GOD FORBID! and 9times out of 10 my batch was about half and half half male and half female i guess im just lucky plus im not one...
  12. Lanegreen

    2 weeks into flowering. need help male or female? and other question

    from what i see everything they said is spot on but D give it some time it doesnt show any signs of gender yet from that pick give it a couple days unless it got some balls somewhere i dont know about than TRASH IT!
  13. Lanegreen

    Are reggie seeds worth growing???

    yesssssss who told you otherwise?
  14. Lanegreen

    Are reggie seeds worth growing???

    most definitely are every single one are reggie seeds just because there reggie seeds doesn't mean there going to be bad plants at the end of the day reggie is what happens when u dont take care of your grow! your always going to get high grade if u take care of her
  15. Lanegreen

    Are reggie seeds worth growing???

    and the big one is my first time grow its definitely worth the experience at best and it will take a couple tries before you get it right unless u study up!
  16. Lanegreen

    Are reggie seeds worth growing???

    i mean im doing reggie seeds now and my girls are beautiful i got a pure haze girl and the other 2 are babies i got on 12/12 from seed still in a small grow box excuse my wife asleep in the back of one of the pictures lol
  17. Lanegreen


    Lol none taken it definitely feels like that sometimes lol
  18. Lanegreen

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Thanks man I decided to try 12/12 from seed cuz I got a girl now that I vegged and it killed my light bill right now I got them under 75 watt cfl 5000k and a 60 watt 2700k but I plan to put it under the t5's I have 2 2ft t5s with reflector kit
  19. Lanegreen

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    hey decided to show my first 12/12 from seed these are my 2 girls