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  1. socalmedhead737

    first time indoor,something is seriously wrong with my plants someone please help!

    yea i let them dry out and they are looking perky already thanks bro. anyone familiar with growing burkle (bubba kush and purp urkle)? should i supercrop? fim or top? any suggestions as to what to do with this strain to bring more yield?
  2. socalmedhead737

    first time indoor,something is seriously wrong with my plants someone please help!

    thanks fellas! i let them dry out a few days, then transplanted them, and they are lookin perkey already! keep up the good advice my friends. guys like me highly apprieciate all you ganja gurus out there...:bigjoint:
  3. socalmedhead737

    first time indoor,something is seriously wrong with my plants someone please help!

    got it! yea still in veg 18/6... see how the leaves are twisting and blotchy, a couple of the leave have now become dry and crumbled. and the rest of the plant is wilting.
  4. socalmedhead737

    first time indoor,something is seriously wrong with my plants someone please help!

    i got these clones 2 weeks ago from my local dispencery, they were in these cube sponge type of stuff with plastic wrap around which i took off. yea they are still pretty small under a foot, like i said ive only had them two weeks. let me see if i can post pics again...
  5. socalmedhead737

    first time indoor,something is seriously wrong with my plants someone please help!

    dude thanks for the fast info, i was stressing out bad, i thought it was phos deficiancy! but nute burn sounds about right. ive used the go box on my last outside bluedream and had awsome results! matter of fact thats what got me hooked growing, so i went and picked up a indoor grow set up. im...
  6. socalmedhead737

    first time indoor,something is seriously wrong with my plants someone please help!

    alright fellas, something is seriously going wrong with my girls. here's some flicks along with some details...brought 4 burkle (bubba kush/purple urkle) clones home two weeks ago. put them directly into 1 gal pots into a 2 to 1 mix of ffof and coco tek and added ro water first time. they are...
  7. socalmedhead737

    using general organics go box has cause ph to change in my

    besides, all the literiture that ive read( trust me, ive done plenty of reserch, before i attempted this venture) said to always check the ph, so excuse the fact that im questioning that but its been hammerd into throu all these grow books. just wanted a second opionion...
  8. socalmedhead737

    Welcome New Members!

    what up peeps! just wanted to step on and introduce myself to all the fellow newboots;).. anyhow i posted a couple nute questions if anyone has an answer for me i sure would apprieciate it. im just learning this stuff but i love it and i feel im picking things up very quickly. im about 5 weeks...
  9. socalmedhead737

    using general organics go box has cause ph to change in my

    didnt really feel the need to "fix" the ph/soil prob, as much as i was trying to prevent anything going wrong at this stage in the game. but if you say dont trip then i aint trippin;) thanks for the time out to respond fellas i highly appriecate it. like i said this is my first grow and i was...
  10. socalmedhead737

    using general organics go box has cause ph to change in my

    im in my 4th week of flower (my first grow) on a outdoor organiclly grown blue dream. ive only used distiled water until the last couple weeks of veg, i fed it a lil bit of superthrive( which gave it a lil nute burn on the tip of leaves, so i imedietly stopped superthrive, continued with...