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  1. youngboss

    Are This Nutrients Any Good?

    :mrgreen: HEY GUYS MY FRIEND RECENTLY GAVE ME A BIG BUCKET OF MAXIGROW IT COMES IN A GREEN POWDER FORM. THE OTHER ONE IS KOOLBLOOM BOTH FROM GENERAL HYDROPONICS NUTRIENT LINE. my question is are these nutrients good do they have a good reputation, if anyone outhere had try then please let me...
  2. youngboss

    what is the rite nutrient ppm

    hey bigbudballs am growing in soil 5 gallon pots
  3. youngboss

    what is the rite nutrient ppm

    thanks man for ur answer..u mean no nutrients at all am using a e-z clone machine just water thats it..oohhh before i forget what is the ph level for cuttings i keep mines 5.8 am i doing the rite thing? i have bcuzz rooted for the cuttings what is the best method need help
  4. youngboss

    what is the rite nutrient ppm

    hello guys i need help to know what is the rite ppm levels for my plants starting from cuttings to harvest... am using DNF nutrients A n B grow And A n B blooming formulas plus floralicious bloom floralicious grow plus big bud. those are my nutrients. now i have 56 clones am using the e-z...
  5. youngboss

    ready to flower my plants

    also i want to know what was your final yield from ur 9 4 foot plants and what is your estimate yield from my 12 plants using my 3 1000hps
  6. youngboss

    ready to flower my plants

    wowwww Lacy amazing your plants look beautiful to me!!! nice job now i have a question i am not really that well determining the rite ppm for my plants. they are only in their 2 day of flowering i started out with 1000 ppm using my dnf nutrients and floralicious bloom now what is the rite ppm...
  7. youngboss

    ready to flower my plants

    hello my rollitup second family members, as you can see am a newbie at this well i have 12 3 foot plants that are ready going to flower how tall will they grow when flowering is induced. i have 3 1000 hps watt on then 12/12 they are in their 2 day of flowering the strain is haze now i heard...
  8. youngboss

    Guess My Yield

    can u explain me better what is scrog or sea of green
  9. youngboss

    Guess My Yield

    i thought the room was big enough 12 feet hight 10 feet wide 12 feet long so how much can 60 5 foot plants yield having the good environment plus good co2 much can it be possible to yield
  10. youngboss

    Guess My Yield

    i guess i just wait hopefully no less than 10
  11. youngboss

    Guess My Yield

    so having the rite temperature in the room and using 7 lights and 5 gallon buckets letting then grow 5 or 6 foot remember am growing haze, plus good co2 nutrients an air flow how much can u yield out those 60 plants whats the most the limit...if whoever is rite i will post my final yield plus pics
  12. youngboss

    Guess My Yield

    hey bigsix all im asking is for information am trying to do the best i can so i can acomplish this yield now i dont know if i can do it using that space plus 60 plants
  13. youngboss

    Guess My Yield

    hey alx420 thank u very much man because of your help i know how to post now dam man i feel u think i can i achieve my yield in ur experience can u gimme some information
  14. youngboss

    Guess My Yield

    hello guys am new in this site, plus am a very first newbee. my question is am planning on staring my first grow room i have a 12feet tall 10feet wide 10 feet long room about 1200 square feet. I have 7 hps light am planning on growing then big on 5 gallons am staring out with 60 clones my yield...
  15. youngboss

    I Need Help With A Design

  16. youngboss

    I Need Help With A Design

    i forgot i have 7 hps light system
  17. youngboss

    I Need Help With A Design

    hello mis white widow woman i have a question am new in this site, and i dont know how to use it properly my question is how can i post a question so other members can help me answer then. where do i go what to click or do. my question is am starting a grow room that is 10 x 10 x 10 am starting...
  18. youngboss

    Lots of HPS & MH Bulbs

    thats great