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  1. M

    Hey Everyone

    Just wanted to say that I'm new to not only here but the whole Marijuana experience. I am a bit shy so I will probably lurk a lot lol. But I do want to thank everyone including the admins for taking their time and knowledge to help bring together people with similar beliefs. I also want to thank...
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    legalize it

    I support the NY legalizing it!!!
  3. M

    Everything MMA Thread

    I just want to thank the original Op for this thread, UFC and MMA RULE I hope someday my son can get in to this great sport.
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    Welcome New Members!

    Oh and hope there are some Motorcycle fans here:)
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    Welcome New Members!

    My name is Joe and am eager to be a part of this growing community. I hope to not only learn but share what I have learned.
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    possible need for cal mag in wilma

    Yeah keep it light in the beginning, just make sure they have enough air/water and clean water. Oh and check ph, make sure it's not out of whack.
  7. M

    My indoor grow in a cardboard box.

    Man this is some cool stuff, Will have to follow this thread!!!
  8. M

    Marijuana legalization petition to the white house!! **official**

    This is a pretty heated debate here, why is it that people have to go negative over their beliefs. I feel that what a person puts in there body is there business, NO one should be telling anyone what he or she can or can't use. Sadly to many would rather have people who they don't even know...
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    Dyna-Gro, Liquid Gro vs. Dyna-Gro Foliage pro

    Hi Spl1 I'm wondering if you are still using this grow method?
  10. M

    Cannot send private messages. Even from the start.

    This is good to know:) thanks.
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    Iso Extractions by _oakley_

    Oakley1984 I'm trying to find a Pyrex/borosilicate that would be of good size for this and would hold up to the heat of my hot plate. Do you have the size of the one you're using when doing a batch around the size you posted in your tutorial? Wondering if you could share a link to one, seems...