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  1. W

    Rock hard, gritty, brown growth speckles in my reservoir.

    This looks like some type of micro organism or bacterium, honestly I would sterilizes the unit probably with a very heavy bass.
  2. W

    Is this PM or am I just tripping?

    Thx everyone for your advice
  3. W

    Is this PM or am I just tripping?

    Ok thx zzwasted. Anyone know what is any easy way to fight it?
  4. W

    Is this PM or am I just tripping?

    When I rub it, it does seem to come off somewhat.
  5. W

    Is this PM or am I just tripping?

    If it is pm what is the best way to fight it?
  6. W

    Is this PM or am I just tripping?

    So this is my first grow so I don't know if Im over seeing things or not. So it started this morning I opened up my tent to see how they were looking when I noticed some white spots on some of the leaves on the plaint. Note: These are clones that have been transplanted just under a week ago...
  7. W

    Need advice on grow setup

    If you are going to use a scrog then I recommend that you still use the 5gallon pots. This is for two purposes; one is that in a scrog you can not transplant the plaints, second is that you are going to need space to trim the plaints. Trust me if you try to put 16 pots in there it is going to...
  8. W

    Too hot and too dry

    Hello to your question about the humidifier; I do not think that it will bring your temp down. Yes, it will add more mosture into the room and that my stop your room from becoming so hot so fast. However, I do not think it will make your room any cooler. To you question about the 24 hour...
  9. W

    First time grower having hard time with trainsplanted clones.

    So it was my light that was the problem. I set up some fluorescent lights in the tent and turned off my HPS and they are looking a lot happier. Thx again for all the help
  10. W

    Ok thx for the info again

    Ok thx for the info again
  11. W

    Thx again for the help on my post I did what you said and put ziplock bags over them and set...

    Thx again for the help on my post I did what you said and put ziplock bags over them and set them under a desk lamp. My question is how long should I leave them like that and when should I put it back in the tent. Again many thx for the help
  12. W

    First time grower having hard time with trainsplanted clones.

    No my temp in the tent is in the 70's at all time. I have also read that HPS will work for veg and the lamp is a good ways from the plaints.
  13. W

    First time grower having hard time with trainsplanted clones.

    My set up: 600 Hps build in a 4 foot by 4 foot tent My tent temp is between 72 degrees and 79 degrees and the humidity is between 40 and 50%. My plaints are in fox farm ocean forest. I just transplainted these clones from a despencery about 4 days ago. I gave each plant about 2 cups of water...