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  1. JerkyBoysPranksters

    Help please!!!

    Certain circumstances r forcing me to harvest early. im in nor cal, theyve been outdoor all season. some look pretty dank. whats the consequences of harvesting now?
  2. JerkyBoysPranksters

    making seeds indoors.

    so i have some really nice plants outdoor. i took a small big bud female and a male purple urkle, put them in my 250w growroom under a flower light. how far away should the plants be from the light? right now theyre right at the hood. how many hours of light should they have? do they need the...
  3. JerkyBoysPranksters

    Topping V.S Bending (LST)

    Again when should i tie them down?
  4. JerkyBoysPranksters

    Topping V.S Bending (LST)

    So my harvest season is septemberish. theyre bout 5 1/2- 6 1/2 ft right now, few are 7 ft. when should i start tieing down?
  5. JerkyBoysPranksters

    Topping V.S Bending (LST)

    i just topped some of mine that are bout 6 and a half- 7 ft. i topped the top and side shoots. i plan to tie them down also...
  6. JerkyBoysPranksters

    Trash can water tank

    thing is i need a nipple cuz im havin mine on a timer...
  7. JerkyBoysPranksters

    Trash can water tank

    u siphon it out or what?
  8. JerkyBoysPranksters

    update- 6 foot trees

    im not braggin or showin off but theres no way im postin pics of plants on the internet...
  9. JerkyBoysPranksters

    update- 6 foot trees

    im jealous lol mine are taller and just as bushy...but im not doi nvery good at toppin cuz im scared lol. ill snip the top off the very top and w8 for it to shoot out 2 new sprouts...can i top the other nodes not just the top of the plant?
  10. JerkyBoysPranksters

    Trash can water tank

    i got the part its exaclty what i wanted, do ya think i should put thread tape and or rain r shine glue in there to?
  11. JerkyBoysPranksters

    Trash can water tank

    gromet seal? im not familiar with plumbing sorry
  12. JerkyBoysPranksters

    Trash can water tank

    k so i ahev a 100 gallon trash can. its already water tite. how could i put 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch bib on the bottom?
  13. JerkyBoysPranksters


    outdoors thats kinda why i posted this in the outdoor section lol. how long should it take for the plant to recover and start growin again?
  14. JerkyBoysPranksters


    So i kinda had to wing it today and topped off a plant cuz it had been snapped.all i did was cut the top off like a 1/2 inch above a node. is this ok?
  15. JerkyBoysPranksters

    fish fertilizer 5-1-1

    isnt that a little young? a friend told me they should be 21 to drink lol ya know 21 days old till fert
  16. JerkyBoysPranksters

    fish fertilizer 5-1-1

    This is my first time growin so dont take my advice al lthat seriously. is the stuff ur using liquinox? ive been usin it since they were like a month old and for the past few weeks ive been doubling the dosage and i fert everyday. no plants have shown any signs of not likin it
  17. JerkyBoysPranksters

    First Grow

    y do u think dude. this is the internet people can find anything on the internet, including pictures of incriminating pot plants. i swear to god im not makin it up tho. ill post 1 pic of the one big bud in the hole 2moro. so am i in this compettition?
  18. JerkyBoysPranksters

    First Grow

    its dark. 2moro maybe. im a little uncomfortable postin pics here.
  19. JerkyBoysPranksters

    First Grow

    i want in! i have a female big bud going in a hole thats 3'x'3' and 15'' deep, chicken wire and fish at the bottom. nothin but fish emulsion fert. organic potting soil
  20. JerkyBoysPranksters

    2+ months old

    i transplanted on monday, everythings lookin good. all of them are now in 15 gal pots. i put fish at the bottom of five of them and i still have to dig 7 more holes. most of them are 7 nodes, a few bug buds are getting really tall but dont have that many nodes. except for these few all of them...