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  1. lets go talk politics

    toping ur plant off but not really

    have any of you tried this method on white widow???
  2. lets go talk politics

    First Grow Journal

    yea go with hps for flowering u can go to a local home depot or most likely ne type of hardware store and fing 250watt hpsa bulbs for like 20$ but then u gotta get the ballast n shit but its cheaper than goin online and shit
  3. lets go talk politics

    about 2 months how she look

    no she is still in veg she will probly be my mother and stay in veg for cloneing
  4. lets go talk politics

    toping ur plant off but not really

    has the method worked out 4 ur plants
  5. lets go talk politics

    toping ur plant off but not really

    i herd of this method throught a friend i am not sure if it works out the way he explained he said its like topping off cz u cut the top nod off from the stem but the difference is when u do it u cut right above where the stem ends and new leaves begin he explained when u do this the plant will...
  6. lets go talk politics

    about 2 months how she look

    she was stunted when i first started and i didnt give her ne nutes till about a month in
  7. lets go talk politics

    Besides nirvana seeds

    what are some other good seed companies to order from n do they also give the option of stealth delivery
  8. lets go talk politics

    pee plant

    i use nutes but i herd it from some1 n i was like no fuckin way i odviously would feed pee to my baby girl
  9. lets go talk politics

    pee plant

    the weirdest thing ive ever herd ... this person told me to pee in the soil because its suposidly good for the plant .. i laughed n said no way has ne1 ever herd of this weird mothod of growing
  10. lets go talk politics

    i believe to be female

    im pretty sure its female can ne 1 give me a possative answer
  11. lets go talk politics

    1 month in hows she doing

    i just started adding nutes and yes i do agree with the lowering of the lights thanx for the complaments more pics comming soon
  12. lets go talk politics

    1 month in hows she doing

    suposeidly white widow plant
  13. lets go talk politics

    femanized seeds???

    thanx 4 the input
  14. lets go talk politics

    droupy leafs whats the problem

    im new to this sight how u post the pic
  15. lets go talk politics

    is my setup ok for now

    i havent been able to yet but i will post as soon as possable
  16. lets go talk politics

    is my setup ok for now

    i would say there not as efficent as the hps bulbs but if ur low on cash they do the trick my white widow plant looks health but i have over watered a little .. the only thing is that you need to keep the lights somewhat close to the plant about 1ft. and constantly raise it as it grows
  17. lets go talk politics

    is my setup ok for now

    i have 6 70watt grow lights which are a light blueish purple .. total output of watts is 420 and my plant is about 8 inches tall for week 3 1/2 is this straight ?
  18. lets go talk politics

    femanized seeds???

    whats the deal with the nirvana seeds that are femanized already .. sounds to good to be true anyone got info on these femanized seeds?
  19. lets go talk politics

    droupy leafs whats the problem

    my leafs for my white widow plant are drouping down is this over watering or what:?