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  1. H

    Bone head move

    it will heal
  2. H

    Leaf Claw - Experienced Grower

    Did you come up with a solution?
  3. H

    Leaf issues--cal? mag? (pics)

    @ bioWheel--thanks for the input. I am leery about adding anything at this point since they are sitting in fresh soil that is already too hot. I believe if it is/was a deficiency, it was caused by a lockout not lack of it being there. Possibly pH jumped for a while since the mix was too fresh?
  4. H

    Leaf issues--cal? mag? (pics)

    The affected leaves are not showing any signs of healing, didn't expect them to. It seems to have quit spreading though:clap:. I think the FFOF is hotter to begin with than the soil I have been using. When I amended with what I usually do it became too 'hot'. I believe this caused a temp...
  5. H

    Newbie stress

    what is the NPK of what you are feeding?
  6. H

    Give it to me straight doctor... Is she dying

    I would try hitting it with a very mild dose of nitrogen. At this point you have little to lose. I've never used coco before. Maybe someone else has a better idea?
  7. H

    runoff at 2.8ec, ph at 5.6

    Amazing how quickly you get a reply once pics are addedbongsmilie
  8. H

    Leaf issues--cal? mag? (pics)

    Wouldn't Ca show up in the new growth?
  9. H

    Leaf issues--cal? mag? (pics)

    Not really sure what the problem is here. Recently transplanted into FFOF w/amendments. Water only. pH is good. Thinking cal/mag issue but not sure. Never used FFOF before but can no longer find Blue Ribbon locally. This is one of my Bianca's This is an unknown strain
  10. H

    Please help me with a lighting problem please !

    hortilux gives a one year warranty on their bulbs. not sure about anyone else
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    male questions...

    I am leaning toward boy but would still leave it pending further evidence of nutsacks
  12. H

    easy auto strains and ventilation!

    can't see the pics
  13. H

    Critique my setup plan

    Welcome and good luck. Sounds like you are off on the right foot to be starting this adventure. Don't forget about air circulation. It is easier to plan ahead then to try fixing in the middle of a grow.
  14. H

    Leaf Claw - Experienced Grower

    I am really hoping you find a solution. I have 2 pheno's of one strain. One of the phenos does this every grow. Thinking about just ending that one but I like it's growing structure.
  15. H

    cooling 4000 watt of hps

    hydro store. I have seen them at Home Depot and Lowes too.
  16. H

    cooling 4000 watt of hps

    A 6" circle only has 28.2 sq. in. An 8" has 50.2 Sq. in. cutting your area almost in half. I split off my 8" into 2x6" and it works great for cooling 4x1000 watts.
  17. H

    SO confused :) ? about Fan Speed control

    yep^^^ that's what I use but on o bigger fan
  18. H

    #2... super crop during mid flower ???

    You want to stress it in mid flower?
  19. H

    Alternative a/c for the winter!!!?

    My question was about Randm's comment I wanted to know what kind of havoc neg pressure creates for the plants?