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    What type of HPS light? what about those?
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    What type of HPS light?

    What type of HPS light do I need for flowering? I need a cheap HPS light that will screw into a regular light socket. One plant grow. Any ideas?
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    Box size?

    I recently started a one plant grow. Im wondering what is the smallest box I could use? Send me a link from home depot on a cabinet. For idea's.
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    What seed's and why?

    Im looking into buying seeds off the net. What seeds do I need to buy? Fem? Reg? Auto Flowering? Ruderalis? Im looking for fast growth And short flowering time.
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    New Grower Here Needing Help.

    This grow is a test run. I will stick with CFL's for now. Im using some shit seed's from my dealer. I will be ordering decent seed's from Attitude once I get the first plant grown. Also Im looking to buy Feminzed seed's correct?
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    Attitude Seeds? Safe Or Not?

    I live in the Dallas, Texas area.And I plan on ordering one seed at a time. Using my Real name and my credit card info as well. Has anyone ever had a problem with this company or getting caught.
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    New Grower Here Needing Help.

    Okay so explain to me what light I should use for the start to the end? I also plan on using a 12/12 Light system. That will make it bud faster and more stocky correct?
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    New Grower Here Needing Help.

    I will save the Hydro for later then. But you have to remember this is my first plant. What type of CFL's can I buy from home depot that would work. Also what type of nutrient's would I need etc. Give me link's on the light's if possible. Ill post Picture update's when I get it setup.
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    New Grower Here Needing Help.

    Okay then. I just measured my loft space. And it is 38" in Height. Width is not a problem. But is my height good enough for a one plant grow?
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    New Grower Here Needing Help.

    Okay well I can reduce the pot size for sure. I can also stack two cabinets to make the grow space taller. Will my width be any problem or is there anything I can do to fix that?
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    New Grower Here Needing Help.

    I have a cabinet that is about 2 Foot and 3 Inches Tall. 1 Foot 4 inche's wide. And Im looking to buy this Hydroponic system I saw at home depot. I...