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  1. T

    got caught with one plant in florida- help

    The pigs ( I mean the cops) ended up in my house because they searched my cell phone and found that I had a picture of the plant, he saw the light in the background and assumed I had a growhouse. I let him come back to my house because he said that if he got a search warrant he would arrest my...
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    got caught with one plant in florida- help

    Just wanted to give you guys an update on what happened. All charges were dropped with the exception of felony posession of marijuana. the punishment is drug court, which ill be doing that for a year and then that charged gets dropped as well. So the worst case is that I cant smoke for a whole...
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    got caught with one plant in florida- help

    Ive contacted the new head of Norml. He is a Criminal defense lawyer in my town.
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    got caught with one plant in florida- help

    hey guys: I got caught with one plant in my house because i made 2 of the most dumbest mistake i could have, one i had one picture of my plant on my cell phone, two i gave them consent to search my property after they threatened to arrest my wife and called DCF to take my kid away. Im a 37 year...
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    Recommendations , i started drying yesterday

    So since the bud is sitting in racks with air all around it , how long should I let it dry like that before going into curing. 3,4 days?
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    Recommendations , i started drying yesterday

    I started drying my blue dream haze plant after i trimmed and manicured all the good stuff out of it. Im using this storage bin i picked up at IKEA to dry it all (enclosed a picture of it) and I was just wondering if anyone had any recommendations to make the drying process better. Its in a...
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    Happy new years and thank you

    morning everyone Just finished trimming down my very first plant (Blue Dream Haze) and set all the good stuff on the drying rack. this is what i so far learned from my first experience *When it comes to nutes, less is definetly more *Never plant anythingin a pot thats less than 3 gallons...
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    The farming is going great and were starting the seventh week of flowering tomorrow. I'm doing a blue dream haze plant and I've already lost some fan leaves due to it. I'm using Gh flora series for nutes but going to blackstrap molasses for the last 2 weeks. The buds are looking swollen but...
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    Simple one guys, how do you guys check if its done? Trichs? Hairs?
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    How often should you flush your plant? Im starting my fifth week of flowering and notice that some of my fan leaves turning yellow, shriveling, and falling off. Dont know if its because its in the middle of flowering or something else like salt in soil or low ph.
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    nutrients help one month into flowering

    You might want to post some pictures and also add more info like nutrients, soil medium, etc . Internet has plenty of places to get nutes and great soil, including amazon.
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    flowering period and nutrients

    Thanks for all the great info guys, I'll stay on the water/nutes/water/nutes regimen but next watering ill mix a little molasses in there and give it a shot with that.
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    flowering period and nutrients

    Im only using the gh flora series and nothing else. Ive been afraid to use anything else cause i dont want any lockout either. Will molasses keep the yellowing at bay?
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    flowering period and nutrients

    I only ask cause some of my fan leaves are starting to yellow out and shrivel. I know that it is just he plant sucking the nitrogen out of the leaves, but only on my 5 week flowering so I thought about maybe doing a double feeding.
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    flowering period and nutrients

    I was just wondering if anyone changed their feeding routine during flowering time. Im feeding my plant now in a nutes/water/nutes/water schedule and was considering doing nutes only till the harvest flush.
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    Flowering, Flushing, and trichomes- help

    Hey everyone I have a Blue Dream Haze Plant that I have in a 3 gallon pot under a 150 W Sodium Bulb plant in its fourth week of flowering (the plant was in veg for longer than usual about 8 weeks). The plant is looking a little stretched but flowering at a very nice pace. i bought a pocket...
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    Flowering, Flushing, and trichomes- Help

    Hey everyone I have a Blue Dream Haze Plant that I have in a 3 gallon pot under a 150 W Sodium Bulb plant in its fourth week of flowering (the plant was in veg for longer than usual about 8 weeks). The plant is looking a little stretched but flowering at a very nice pace. i bought a pocket...
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    Daddy LongLegs

    I found a daddy LongLegs (spider) in the corner of my grow room. My mother in law said to leave it in there cause it usually eats other bugs that are nearby. Safe to leave it in there and monitor it or just remove it and avoid any pest in my grow space
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    Going away for a few days, need help

    Hey guys , just a quick update . I came home and the plant was just fine and looking great, she just needed some water and food. I won't divorce the wife instead ill bang her tonight . In your honor ladies and gents!!!
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    Going away for a few days, need help

    I left the window open but covered it with a black garbage bag for light leaks and I felt breeze coming through the bag. I left the door closed cause I'm paranoid about light leaks since everyone on this website says NO LIGHT AT ALL. I'm hoping everything goes ok , it's my first one and she is...