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  1. aznt33n

    My plant caught on fire NEED HELP

    yeah I think im going to wait another 2 weeks than chop my cola than wait another 2weeeks to chop the side buds. If i wait 2weeks to chop my cola that will be a total of 8 weeks in flowering. so that means the lower buds will get 10 weeks to flower. And I shall update with the pictures before I...
  2. aznt33n

    [HELP]-Flowering Plant Maturing too early??!

    oh alrites thanks guys for all the help, im going to stop worrying now yay !
  3. aznt33n

    My plant caught on fire NEED HELP

    haha yeah sorry about the fake title man, and thanks regrets i shall do that.
  4. aznt33n

    My plant caught on fire NEED HELP

    MY PLANT CAUGHT ON FIRE I NEED HELP PLEASE. Okay sorry now that I caught your attention I need help. Since I am growing my marijuana plant under 2 18watt warmlight and 1 24 watt warmlight and 1 13 watt daylight. They are all cfls and i also one deskfan to cool the plant. I was wondering...
  5. aznt33n

    [HELP]-Flowering Plant Maturing too early??!

    haha alrites thanks for the tip cheetah
  6. aznt33n

    [HELP]-Flowering Plant Maturing too early??!

    yeah i think i underwater too thanks alot.
  7. aznt33n

    [HELP]-Flowering Plant Maturing too early??!

    Ok so like i've been growing 1 marijuana plant for the past months. And now that it has started to flower, I am seeing good results. But for some reason it has only been day 20 of flowering and the white hairs on my plant are turning orange. Is this too soon or normal? Thanks for all your replies.
  8. aznt33n

    Is she done flowering?

    dam man good shit on your first grow you're just like me except i had 2 23 watt =] so rock on !
  9. aznt33n

    They said I wouldn't make it under 2 cfl, THEY WERE WRONG!

    Instead of going out and buying nutes and all those dank stuff for the plant, i decided hey it was only 1 plant so I'll use stuff around the house haha. Since it's been flowering for 2 weeks, so far the only nutes i give it is some water with sugar in it and every now and than my piss mix with...
  10. aznt33n

    They said I wouldn't make it under 2 cfl, THEY WERE WRONG!

    So about 3 month ago I decided to plant my bad seed. I put it under 1 18 watt and 1 23 watt cfls. Both warm white. Even tho it took forever to grow, it is now finally starting to flower and I am very happy =]. Alot of people said it wasnt going to grow or that if it does grow it isnt gonna yield...
  11. aznt33n

    Sunlight and LightBulb

    yeah i guess i should just do that than, thanks cheetah!
  12. aznt33n

    Sunlight and LightBulb

    100w fluorescent light thanks for the reply! =]
  13. aznt33n

    Sunlight and LightBulb

    Well hey guys, umm I got a quick question. Well my plant is around 7 inches tall right now and it seems to grow really fast. I was wondering if this is bad for the plants in the future, cause it seems to be good for them right now. Everyday at 12pm i take the plant out for sunlight until 7pm...