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  1. P

    600w 2 x Gt205 NFT Multistrain Grow

    Hey dude can you pop in just before or after the timer comes on or goes off. grab some pics with a regular light becuse its hard to tell what colours were talking about under that hps. It does look like the high temps might be drying out the leaves, or possibly a ph nutrient lockout, hard to...
  2. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I always would do min 2 plants in case 1 dies. The pic wasnt great quality, but that type of edge curling up with no discoloration usually means too much heat or under watering. the plant is closing up its leaves to prevent transpiration of water, its a self defence mechanism. It will do this if...
  3. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I was over there as well, cant say too much here... keep private etc... irelands a different kettle of fish to you lot in the weed capital of the USA. You californians say things like "dude", "awesome bro", and "be right back, im just going to the store to buy some weed"
  4. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Mother of ganesh this thread moves along quickly. some thoughts around some of the posts in the last week or so.... Very cold these days, thats the big problem for a lot of the shed growers etc. Id say theres some merit in growing autoflowers on 24h light through the winter just to keep temps...
  5. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I dont grow anymore (not ever again in Ireland unless the judges cop on and sentancing for small personal grows is normalised) But i had 2 autos finish day 59 from seed, a bit over an oz each. I was delighted because of how fast they were. I get fully baked everyday on some of the highest...
  6. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Sorry but lol :-o I hope he got a good stone off them anyways.
  7. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Cheers man. height is not an issue, can raise the smaller ones up with tupperware under the pots. 800 sheets a plant? Ouch, It wouldn't really bother me, just its a real shame that privately growing a tiny amount of medicine carries such a harsh penalty, akin to violent assault or robbery. I...
  8. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    If you had trouble with another strain, northern lights are known as easy to grow and hardy.
  9. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Havent done any real growing in a few years... Just started again, and Got some sick little babies here, i took my eye off them for about 4 days... 2 out of 5 have a nitrogen deficiency, nute burn on fan leaves and rootbound to boot. The roots are all jammed up and the 2 sick plants were...
  10. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Johnny, your seeds are most likely poorly stablised genetically, and are showing unwanted traits from their parents, I doubt its your fault.
  11. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    If the greenhouse is outside and doesnt have a proper floor, try digging a hole for the pots. Nice size, but thats hardly in Ireland is it?
  12. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Day 6 in one pic, Day 2 in the other. I'm not crazy about how much those 3 are leaning into the light, the light covers the area very well, and it was nice and close, only a few inches away from the plants. I might have to stake them. The three leaning in are all Critical+, while the other 2...
  13. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    It is a lovely day alright, perfect to dodge outta work a bit early to relax in the park and smoke a nice full bowl.zzzzz
  14. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    More light per day but the 12 hour dark cycle keeps them in flower. A friend was growing like this and he swears by it. Im going to give it a go as a test anyways. The shifting cycle by 2 hours a day will get annoying though. As for the autos, they are not the main attraction, just some sideshow...
  15. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Thats the main one alright, Ive seen and heard about too many grows getting raided fir this exact reason. I suppose Im a bit paranoid...(wonder why lol), but even for a small grow of 6 plants I sometimes worry about FLIR and garda monitoring and requesting / getting info from forums, checking...
  16. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hey guys ive just signed up, another Irish grower here. Just wondering if any of ye have tips about security, uploading pics of my wee grow, proxies etc. Might be being too careful but ya never know.