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    Emerald Triangl products owners respond about carcinogens

    Are Emerald Triangle Products and EMT Seeds the same company? not sure i would want their genetics if this is how they do business...
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    Bayers Advanced fruit citrus and vegetable insect control

    any idea how much to use per gallon??
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    i have root aphids and have no clue in getting rid of them

    how much bayer fruit citrus per gallon??
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    Kosher Kush, Holy Grail Kush, Cataract Kush, Tora Bora Review

    finally a good thread with pics! cheers!
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    Thoughts on Subcools seeds and "business"

    tga strains are never on the top shelf of the clubs/collectives up here, most people are pretty sick of them by now also. but then again ive had some full-melt vortex that looked like red grease.
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    new pics 2 heavy duty fruity TH seeds

    lol wow i remember the days of using old 2 liter bottles, nice plants tho.
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    clones on cl

    i dont think its illegal but its stupid for sure.