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  1. F

    Tell your story of the trip ull never forget

    3 weeks ago at my friends house i had 4 bong hits of haze/ and 3 hits of my shit which is high mids.....and.... in the bowl was salativa residue and that shit did somethign to me i didnt know where i was, i didnt know who i was , i laugh for 2 hours straight ( no lie ), i was tlaking to...
  2. F


    hi i put out about 10 seeds outside in my front lawn, and i got about 4 growing ( peaking out of the soil) im a newbie grower and had extra seeds so i said what the hell. Now, sicne i actually got 4 plants growing, how should i keep them maintained? I put miracle grow into the soil and how...
  3. F

    28 grams

    the only thing that really pisses me off about the dealer is he always fucking is short like 1 gram to .2 of a gram i know im being a jerk for saying that but, i wanna get what i pay for. like last time i bought 10 gram but he brought me 9.3 after i scaled it and i complained and said i...
  4. F

    28 grams

    hi i can get 28 grams for 130$ i dont know what strain the shit is but basically if you have .5 of a gram you are pretty high / stoned taking it from a bong. is it worth it?
  5. F

    thc in system?

    Hi i smoke once a week, maybe twice occasionally for the past month and a half. Whenever i smoke i get stoned, How long will it take for the thc to get out of my body if i workout, drink water, and not smoke it for 1 month? im guessing 30 days?
  6. F

    Friends quit should i?

    haha that is good. thanks it's just that im a teenager and i want to live you know what i mean. when your high you think of new shit, you feel relaxed, you just wanna have fun. But i would NEVER ever try any other drug besides weed. When i was younger i said to myself i'd never do drugs but...
  7. F

    Friends quit should i?

    hi a lot of my friends quit smoking and just wandering if i should to. Basically the only time i like to smoke is when im with my buddies cause we all just fuck around, you kow what i mean. Iv dont it by myself but i d not like it to much because i feel like a bum being by myself...
  8. F

    What happened to me?

    was i stoned out of my mind? or can it get worse? i was almost like paranoid
  9. F

    What happened to me?

    ok well 2 days ago at like midnight i got F***** UP....this was the first time i think i actually ever got stoned out of my not sure if i wa stoned or aobut to die. i had 3-4 hits of haze ( pretty sure it was that) and 3-4 hits of my shit wich is high regs and it all kicked in within...
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    how much should i get?

    ok guys i talked to my dealer and he said lowest he can go is 90$ for 14grams. its high regs. fair enough?
  11. F

    how much should i get?

    hi i dont know proces well, but i can get high regs for (7 grams) 50$ I as wondering if thats a good price. or i can get (14 grams) for 130. I am not sure if this is a good price or not but this is how the dealer goes. help me out anyone?
  12. F

    5 grams just bought

    how much do those scales cost? i would buy one if its under 10$
  13. F

    5 grams just bought

    it is not sticky, it isnt crystally...its smells like skunky kinda maybeu spicey....there are no seeds but it does have quite a lot of stems......the nugs are about 1/2 an inch each in length.......and it is dense.
  14. F

    5 grams just bought

    i got buzzed/semi high off like a pinkie fingernail portion of a bud ...2 hits
  15. F

    5 grams just bought

    no i do not know, its like yellow/redish strain.... do u know what a 5g pic looks like?
  16. F

    5 grams just bought

    Hi, i just started smoking and got 5 grams for 45$ off this guy. I'm not sure if it was the best price but my main concern is how do i know or how can i tell if im getting 5g? can anyone show me a picture of like 5g? or anything even 1gram would help. or 7g