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  1. J

    1st time grower

    hey thanks alot guys for giving me all these tips since i was a first time grower. i only have 1 plant sprouted, i started off with 5 seeds, but 1 is better then nothing. and it seems to be growing good. but atleast i already learned from my mistakes, so the next time i grow it will go better...
  2. J

    1st time grower

    well i started out with 5 seeds, 3 of them germinated, 1 of those died off,so only 2 seeds sprouted, 1 is sprouting perfect, and the other one already lost its shell and its not even that big of a sprout yet, and its leaning to the left real bad, what can i do to fix that? but atleast i still...
  3. J

    1st time grower

    fuuuuck i woke up this morning and one of the seeds was on top of the dirt, how it got all the way up there idk. i guess i watered it to much or somthing, then the light was shining on it to. man nothing is going well for me in this growing stuff. shits to hard
  4. J

    1st time grower

    k thnx, just 1 more thing, how often does it take for it to come out of the soil? and is it true that pee makes it grow faster?
  5. J

    1st time grower

    helllooooo im a first time grower and i kinda ran into a problem. i germinated my seeds using the wet paper towel technique, it worked but yeah i planted the germinated seeds in the growing cups about 6 hours ago, but the soil wasnt moist, it was dry, and the light was shining on it so that...