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  1. F

    My ebb and flow monster grow

    There we go ;) sorry about that
  2. F

    Progress of my grow :)

    Would it make sence with the size they have they might produce over 4 oz a plant?
  3. F

    Progress of my grow :)

    Here are a few picture of my grow, im currently going in 1st week of flowering and plant seem to be looking beautiful but im woundering why does my partner always clear the bottom of the plant, will it make it yield less? I want to make sure he is doing the right thing because kinda freaks me out.
  4. F

    My ebb and flow monster grow

    Hey guys here is my setup and im on the 1st week of flowering, im currently growing some BC GOD BUD. I would like to know what you guys think about my setup and if they look healthy
  5. F

    i stole a dog

    I have 2 dogs and i rescued my black lab... I found him on the side of the highway so took him and gave him a home you never know maybe homeless guy left the dog there to rot and i found him. I 100% agree on the action he did , if a homeless guy cant feed himself or take care of himself. Why...
  6. F

    New setup EBB Monster 12 POT

    Thanks man, ya im doing a custom fitting to drain it out once a week,i was also told to keep the PH level at 5.8 i also bought a sniffer and will be using 2 co2 bottle. If i have a problem ill contact you for help since you seem to know a lot. My partner told me that i should be expecting around...
  7. F

    New setup EBB Monster 12 POT

    I know before i put any plants ill be cleaning the room from A-Z she was just curious to see the room!
  8. F

    New setup EBB Monster 12 POT

    Hey guys i grew once before with a shitty setup so this time i invested a little more and got 1x1000hps and 2x600hps big Carbon Filter and the ebb gro Monster 12 pot of 5 gallons. Right now i havent put the plants in since im testing the machine to see if it runs well. Ill be growing some Bc God...