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  1. S

    New cfl grow need help *PICS*

    i have a little fan its not that power ful but keeps the temp like 60-70? not sure.. and how would i put perlite in it? id have to transplant it?
  2. S

    New cfl grow need help *PICS*

    i have a fan..?
  3. S

    New cfl grow need help *PICS*

    my plant is about 5 or 6 weeks into veg and i had to keep swapping lights cuz i was upgrading but now i have 3 100w=23w 6500k cfl and 1 150w 3500k cfl my leafs are curling inward and the tips are also and seems slow on growing? also when should i do 12/12 lighting? help or comments please...
  4. S

    Quick Newb Question about Nutes

    does anyone know where i can get blooming nutes and if miracle gro all purpose plant food 24-8-16 is good for now? im like 1 month into growing
  5. S

    first grow saggy leaves? *pics*

    i just started growing this about a month or a little more ago and it is growing kind of slow but thats b.c ive been swapping lights and stuff i think but right now i have 4 cfls one 150w warm white and 3 daylight 100w i probly need more but thats all i can aford now i also have a fan blowing...
  6. S

    First time Grow *pics*

    i just started growing this about a month or a little more ago and it is growing kind of slow but thats b.c ive been swapping lights and stuff i think but right now i only have 2 cfl one 150w warm white and other cool white 100w i probly need more but thats all i can aford now i also have a fan...
  7. S

    New grow need help *PICS*

    i just started growing this about a month or a little more ago and it is growing kind of slow but thats b.c ive been swapping lights and stuff i think but right now i only have 2 cfl one 150w warm white and other cool white 100w i probly need more but thats all i can aford now i also have a fan...
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    Fimming and Topping 101

    u cant top a plant at the bottom? cuz i want mine as short as can be...
  9. S

    Transplant or dont transplant?

    im pretty much a newbie and have a question for all you experts.. i just started growing id say 2-3 weeks ago and i have 4 plants in a medium sized pot and 2 of them are growing right next to each other and there both same size then anothers really big and one really small and im not sure what...