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  1. T

    RDWC design/build

    I have been researching RDWC systems and came across this system. What I like about this system is that it seems very easy to put together and since I am planning on building it myself that is definitely a plus. If those of you who have more...
  2. T

    Recovering from Mg deficiency.

    whoops that should have read magnesium deficiency not marijuana deficiency...although that is also applicable...I have been without weed for 4 dealer dried up and since I work in the medical field didn't want to take a chance on getting busted using new sources and lose my license...
  3. T

    Recovering from Mg deficiency.

    I am in the process of fixing a marijuana deficiency and was wanting to know if there is a certain amount of time I should wait after a deficiency before putting her into flower. I am using sensi grow A/B and read a post on here that using that product I would not need to use Cal/Mg with RO...