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    Sad News: Albert Hoffman (discovered LSD) Has Died

    RIP ALBERT HOFFMAN Jan 1906--Apr 2008. That man lived to reach 102 years of age. That is FUCKING AWSOME. This picture below was taken when he was 100 years of age, Now that is truely one Happy man. By the way, I stole the image, CUT & PASTE RULES.
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    First "noob" grow xXSativaxX

    Look'n Good man.
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    Need some help sexing

    Yeah cut them nodes off and grow it out. jorge cervantes, shares that tip in his grow video. and having it in a different room would be the best too. i had a hermi, knocked up the only female i had. that was my very first grow, i was pissed. but oh well, mistakes sure do teach ya a lesson in...
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    First grow newbie.. pics :)

    PROPH, thanks for that bit of info. im still learning how to grow myself, so i dont know shit, how ever the plants look fine to me.
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    Week 5 Flowering, But.......your Thoughts

    not sure the strain, the seeds were very dark almost black. the good news is i have more of them. but i also noticed that the lower fan leaves are wider then the upper fan leafs. is this natural? or did something else happen?? so far no change, they have not gotten crisper nor have they...
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    Week 5 Flowering, But.......your Thoughts

    they are no longer and were not under the light, they out grew the room and i have them set to the side of a bat wing reflector.
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    Week 5 Flowering, But.......your Thoughts

    PH is 6.6 in all 3 pots. I found a good tip to use a hot pad to heat it up some, There 5gal pots so I wouldnt think on a low setting that would be too much heat. any thought??
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    Week 5 Flowering, But.......your Thoughts

    I wouldnt discribe the leafs crispy, the leafs are flexable still and dodnt break or crack when their handled. Or are they on the way to being crispy??
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    Week 5 Flowering, But.......your Thoughts

    I just found this site and let me just say THANK YOU, This is my first post and first time on a grow web site like this. this place is great. Week 5 flowering. The ladies are under a 600 watt HPS, 12/12. I have relied on reading books, magizines and the internet to gain the knowledge to...