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  1. D

    Keep your Mothers in a Jar!

    i might check this out. more room for harvest greens
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    NYC Diesel vs Sour Diesel

    sour d all the way
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    anybody from the bayarea (sanfrancisco)

    ya. in a bit when my situation cools over.
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    Rate my schwag

    ive seen worse sell for so much more. its not that bad.
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    anybody from the bayarea (sanfrancisco)

    i dont have a club card. I am trying to find some one who does that is chill.
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    anybody from the bayarea (sanfrancisco)

    know a guy I could get some good seeds off of? I dont want to order seeds right now (legal issues).
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    Recomended Seed Banks

    those are very good
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    Recomended Seed Banks

    nirvana(of course) and seedbotique
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    my luaghy weed grow

    my bag seed from a sac i got sprouted. its a few days along and is now under a 400watt hps and it is growing strong and green. Can't wait until it gets bigger so I can clone it. the weed from it makes you laugh so hard! :lol:
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    wondering about weird grow idea

    I'm totaly blasted so dont be a dick but what if in flowering you turned your lights to 6 on 6off 6on and 6off? what do you think would happen? :?:
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    First time Grow- Closet/DWC 400w hps

    those are looking pretty nice. what strain are they.
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    Advice on ecstacy?

    E can get sketch so be careful
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    getting my card tomorrow.....need advice

    first of all congrats. kush strains are always good to grow and smoke.
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    yes bomb bag seed!

    I just found a bag seed from this super weed that made me and my friend laugh so hard I thought I was choking.:weed:
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    Cloning a Hermie

    just seeed it and germ the seeds to get a female and clone that.
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    Cloning a Hermie

    wats the point of cloning a hermi?
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    Strain... smell!

    those are good less odor strains. esp northern lights
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    My Dog Gets HIGH

    my dog just runs into shit. shes a dalmation
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    nirvana seeds

    they are still better than alot of seed company's