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  1. minegreen

    First 1000 watt grow

    Azamax has worked great for me! You can spray it up to a week before harvest. It's made by general hydroponics and will knock those babbies out!
  2. minegreen

    Indoor Tent Issue Plz help

    Cal mag or N deficiency. Nutes? Water Temp? PH? EC? Also, when switching from a coco environment to hydro, there will be shock.
  3. minegreen

    Harvest Pics

    Well hey man, it does look a little premature, but whatever. At least your trying, read some threads in here. Lots of good knowledge!!!!
  4. minegreen

    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    I ran DM products and LOVE zone! Keeps the funk out! It helped with ph swings too. I like your water temps!Check out the DM foliar products, little pricey, but i love it! Nice job man!!!!
  5. minegreen

    Whats wrong with my girls ?

    I use those fabric pots too, i need to water every other, or every third day. Also with those pots, I find I give nutrients once every three waterings. I grow some big plants so i keep a higher ppm. Looks a little like cal mag def, try just watering and keeping the soil so it doesnt get bone...
  6. minegreen

    Rooting but not growing...

    water temp? 66-68 a must
  7. minegreen

    Choosing a nutrient line for my first hydro op, what do the fine people of this site

    I use DM. It's the shit! They have a foliar feed that will knock your socks off! Also the product Zone keeps the funk out! Only gripe i got is the online nutrient calculator is way to strong. I stick to a top of 1.8 EC. If I keep my water temps low at 68, and my EC in check, they just go like hell.
  8. minegreen

    My REZ is at 85F, anyone just go with it, or is this a huge problem?

    also get one of those window insulated reflectors you place in your windshield during the day. if you measure it out and cut it correctly around your resevoir, it helps a ton!! cool water will make your roots happy. research into dutch master zone.