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  1. cornigraphic

    Male or Female + what are those spots?

    i think my plants are the same as yours... the only thing is that I dunno its just getting into the vegitative state its not flowreing... but maybe i should try swithing to 12/12 not right now cause it would smell my whole apt. out, but as soon as i can get proper filters and a proper box
  2. cornigraphic

    Potato NPK?

    i dont think so... I'd say its fine... But yah I'd still like to know if the potato thing works cause if it does, I'm switching from my mg to potato water... and the water I am using for mixing is like bottled water cause i heard that tap water is bad for them cause of chlorine... but I was...
  3. cornigraphic

    Need Help fast!!

    I amy trying to get away from MG soil because thats what i had it in and this is the pot I'm groing it in till its done and finished budding and i wanted a more natural soil for that I dont want to smoke fertilizers and i dont want to sell I want to smoke what i grow... so hopefully the plants...
  4. cornigraphic

    Need Help fast!!

    Well I have been paying attention to them alot lately so the CO2 from mu breath should be effecient, and yah I'm sure i shocked them but the onlu thing i gotta try to do is hope they dont stay in shock and hopefully my germination process works awsome for some new purple sticky iky seeds i found...
  5. cornigraphic

    Need Help fast!!

    and also I was just thinking it could be the soil I am using if it helps the type of soil I'm using has cocnut husk and like other stuff from the tropics of asia... anywho heres a link to the exact stuff i got:
  6. cornigraphic

    Need Help fast!!

    ok so i have been watching my plants closely since I have re potted them. my big one is slowly dieing and is no longer growing. and i have another smaller one that i thought was doing ok then all the sudden all the leaves have started to turn yellow... well most of them and the set that isnt...
  7. cornigraphic

    Five sexy girls in the shower (VID)

    ooohh, sexy... hahaha
  8. cornigraphic

    killa headrushes from holding hit!!!!

    i hear a good thing to do is start taking a hit while your squatting, then stand up as you take it and as you stand up ant your done have a friend pick you up from behind and give you a big bear hug. and hold it till you have to exhale.
  9. cornigraphic

    Natural Plant soil question

    so, my buddy got some soil for his scorpion and was like hey dude, you know what i was thinking is maybe you should try this soil for your plants, and i was like maybe. it might be good because its from tropical forests of asia where marijuana grows naturally. anyways has anyone used it before...
  10. cornigraphic

    Blueberry plants not getting bigger

    so, my buddy got some soil for his scorpion and was like hey dude, you know what i was thinking is maybe you should try this soil for your plants, and i was like maybe. it might be good because its from tropical forests of asia where marijuana grows naturally. anyways has anyone used it before...
  11. cornigraphic

    HELP! Plant = yellow & Brown spotting

    I just fed both my plants some nutes today so it should be alright../ I'll see how they do after the next couple days... hopefully it'll be alright. and i was just thinking should i maybe flush the soil before i put new nutrients in? also the soil i am using used to have another plant in it...
  12. cornigraphic

    HELP! Plant = yellow & Brown spotting

    could it just be lacking nutes or what?
  13. cornigraphic

    HELP! Plant = yellow & Brown spotting

    sooooo, here i am again in need of your guys's help. so I just transplanted a plant from one pot to another... and now there are yellow and brown spots on the leaves anyone have any idea what it could be... I'm using a CFL for my lighting its about 1.5-2 in away I have two vent holes about 2...
  14. cornigraphic

    Sunburnt leafs...

    Leave em' on or pick them off... by the way its still sor of in the seedling stage.. and the only way i know their burnt is because they have like brown spotting and one leaf dried up under my old light.
  15. cornigraphic

    Hows my lighting?

    i think i may get some more CFL's just cause I may try to do the hard wiring thing to save on outlets i need for each CF. but yah i think I'm gonna move the lights even closer now that i know you can have them like an inch away from the top
  16. cornigraphic

    Hows my lighting?

    So i re arranged the lights.. how are they now? close enough?
  17. cornigraphic

    Hows my lighting?

    that looks crazy... I only wish i could have gotten stuff like that when i was shopping today... I gotta wait about a week to get paid so hopefully by the time i get paid the plants will be rady for some 250 Watt sodium bulbs... I may only use one but who knows.. I may get two.. and I was...
  18. cornigraphic

    Hows my lighting?

    its possible, but if you flatten the foil out theres no chance of a hot spot forming only if its like superly crinkled... that was only a guess... but thats what i beleive was ment by that statement... and i will get the lights closer you think like 3-4 in. is close enough?
  19. cornigraphic

    Hows my lighting?

    I'm not going to need a flourecent ballast if I am planning on buying HPS/mh combination lights in the near future, Its just a waste of money... In all that i have is 2 CFL lights, and one 2' flourecent blue tube that's 20watts, and the only reason thats there is cause its soo easy to have...
  20. cornigraphic

    Hows my lighting?

    anyone think it will be sufficiant light to make them grow like stallions... or something that grows crazy...