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  1. R

    Trichome kings bust info

    but you said you test growed them. so why use a middle man hmmmmmm you sound like DEA
  2. R

    Trichome kings bust info

    ever think that maybe hazemans middle man. was not his real middle man and was ripping you off with his own creations. duh
  3. R

    Trichome kings bust info

    i like the way you wont answer my last post. afraid of legal mj colletives and would rather keep it black market. so you can rip people off. you sir are a self centred moron.
  4. R

    Trichome kings bust info

    i think i am smart enough to see through your shit talk. on your other thread you claim you got them from his middle man ?????????? as long as i dont mix my floride with meth like you i am okay what a moron talks of test grows and then talks of a middle man ????????? doctors in white coats for...
  5. R

    Trichome kings bust info

    Yo bro !!!! if i get this right your asked to do a test grow at the zon. then you get a hermed plant and then start crying and calling people DEA. then you claim you bought the seeds. if you bought them send them back to attitude or whatever. sound like someone has multi personality disorder GET...