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    "I'll let you know, give me 10 minutes"

    When I first started smoking bud I would always get fucked around by the only dealer I knew who had decent pot. Never mattered what time we organised he would always be "busy" and fuck me around for a further couple of hours. Annoyed the living fuck out of me. But now , I get it straight from a...
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    My first attempt at growing

    How much did your grow room cost? Probably been asked but I couldn't be bothered searching through so many fucking pages to find out. Also how many hours light did you use during your vegg stage? 18/6 or 24h? Doing a grow myself very soon so trying to soak up as much info as possible as to...
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    Just got sum SALVIA

    I would say that that shit was deffinitely fake. I've only done it once and hit it through a bong, I've heard joints just dont go down to well as far as making you trip. But 3 joints? That's fucked up..deffinitely should have hit you. Might have been damiana?
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    Salvia.. done it?

    I don't think its lame at all. Tripping that hard for much longer than 10 to 15 minutes would be too much for me I think, even 10 minutes lead me to wanting to go back to reality...but I suppose for the price it's a bit too over the top.
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    Landlord found my Kush!

    Quite a predicament you are in, my oh my that is a beautiful plant you have growing though! At least your landlord was chill about it! Do your friends not have a house nearby where you can still attend to it daily? Hope you sort something out and let that baby finish!
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    Marijuana Seeds

    Can someone tell me what sort of stealth delivery options that Nirvana and/or GoldSeed have in place? Would be much appreciated as I am contemplating ordering some from either of these and receiving is obviously illegal in New Zealand, although I've heard first time only warrants a warning? Any...
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    DNA Genetics-Cinderella 99

    What else can be said other than what a fucking sick journal! So impressed by how quickly they came along, fattened up so fast I couldn't believe it! Viewed every entry and you never ceased to amaze! Keep growing those sick buds bro! ++Rep
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    Smoke Intimidation factor

    I had to go with joint just for the fact that it's like the token piece people assosciate with pot. Glass pieces are pretty harsh I reckon, but what's even worse is a wooden cone. Fucking hot rocks, deffinitely not for the first timer. Love my bong personally though, but yeah for the first timer...
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    2 Month Old Weed Pills...

    No idea what it would be like for oil, but I know that weed goes moldy in as short a time as 8 weeks. If you smoke moldy weed it's common for a lung infection to occur. I would assume that if its similar you'd be better of biffing them and trying again.
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    Salvia.. done it?

    I don't know how salvia potency is measured where you live, but over here there is 15x, 25x, 45x and 100x (which can't be bought in shops like the others). I've had 45x before, only once. I took one hit and was fucked. Hallucinated for maybe 5-10 minutes tops. Whatever you've heard about it...
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    How Does She Look? - 4-5 Weeks into Flower!

    Jesus man she is getting tall! Where abouts do you live? Fuck I wish I had the climate to do that shit..
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    Just ate sum shrooms!

    I've had a munch of some Liberty Caps which grow a short distance from our local ski field. Your in for a good time kid!
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    the 100 dollar doobie

    Dude that shit has some JUICY triches on it! Sickkkk
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    Why I do not do LSD

    Kludge, if it is possible for a user to have flashbacks of their trip whilst on acid( which FYI is common knowledge that this occurs) then why is it not possible for him to have heard voices? As far as religion goes I really can not be bothered getting involved in another religious argument...
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    Who did your parents yell at you for?

    Hahaha I can relate actually. Quite funny when I was 8 or 9 I listened to a few Eminem tracks and my parents fucking hated it, too much swearing for their prescious wee eight year old. So shameful haha but pretty funny looking back
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    drug test tomorrow!!!!!

    I thought that it stays in your system for six weeks and they can trace it in the roots of your hair for even longer? Just what I've heard , haven't actually looked into it.
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    Funny Bong Moment

    Hahaha is pretty hilarious lol. I remember when my mate was doing Salvia for the first time, took a hit and zoned out instantly. Tipped the bong water all over the fucking floor hahaha had to scrub it to get the bong water out of there it was hilarious.
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    Ridiculously early Harvest, or leave them be?

    Your better off biffing them now. They'll be slaughtered when you get back dude
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    Is smoking a ciggarette during the sesh disrespectful?

    With you on that one. How fuckin self absorbed is that shit? I hate my car reeking of that shit the next day, it's such a gross smell. Pot is fine because it doesn't linger, but tobacco does and its nothing short of gross dude.
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    Grocery Shopping while lit up

    Shopping when your stoned is the shit! Your true desires food wise come out when your on the nugs!