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  1. Dorjan420

    How do they look 2

    Amazing grow, to have a grow season and skills like yours. going to have to try outdoor next season.
  2. Dorjan420

    Looking to get some good genetics

    Thanks for all the input guys! So kludge how can i go about getting them directly from a breeder all i have seen is seed banks online.
  3. Dorjan420

    Looking to get some good genetics

    SO i now have one successful bagseed grow under my belt and am looking to buy some seeds for the first time. I grow indoors and want something with a kick and high yields. What would be a good first choice?
  4. Dorjan420

    Conservatives love change.......

    Lets stop the worthless "Whos to Blame" game here and get to the point at hand. Most people really don't give a rats ass if its a republican or a democrat that made the decision to start the stupid testing program. If a school wants federal funding it has to jump through this hoop. In my opinion...
  5. Dorjan420

    california is burning because we allow gays to marry

    Maybe "God" did it because he was sick of people using his "word" as an excuse for hate. More likely its fire season just like every year before it. Next year will it be proof of global warming?
  6. Dorjan420

    Another Federal Crime by the (I) bush regime

    First of all I have been a long time lurker on the politics forum and love reading everyones posts here. Also The shear fact that we have people interested enough to inform themselves about current events and take a active roll as citizens returns a lot of hope I had lost in the people of this...
  7. Dorjan420

    BLUE zong with nemo marble

    Nice work there, I tryed my hand a few times at blowing glass at a friend of mines shop and still have a the first lil shitty spoon I made around here. Nothing like the work you have to show but hey it was my first attempt and its smokable.
  8. Dorjan420

    Age Of Conan anyone?

    I'm waiting for warhammer myself, but I have to admit Age of conan looks interesting.
  9. Dorjan420

    Go Wings!!!

    Thanks for reminding me about the game.Didn't sleep a wink last night and it totally slipped my mind. I'm rooting for the penguins myself :twisted:.
  10. Dorjan420

    Poll-How Many Grams A Day Do You Smoke?

    I went with less then a gram a day. I would smoke more like 2 grams a day but i can't afford it right now.
  11. Dorjan420

    Cops taze a man for filming cops breaking the law

    Was this the video? found it on another site Portland man sues police - Brightcove
  12. Dorjan420

    Favorite Music To Blaze Too?

    Hey Seamaiden what band are you listening to when you say old school ska? I like tons of stuff from the Skatalites, old U.K. 2 tone stuff like the Specials, Up to the 3rd wave stuff that flourished in Socal in the 90's. Don't find many people that even know what it is anymore, let alone like it...
  13. Dorjan420

    Safe Metals For Pipe Stems>

    Its not that its too fast its because your not heating it evenly which causes heat stress. that is why lamp workers (glassblowers) use tempered glass also known by the brand name pyrex to help avoid the issues caused by thermal expansion.