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  1. H

    Whack it at the base - WHOLE plant drying

    came I slowly starved my plant and let it dry up. the smell was amazing. Smoke? What smoke? Was like a party in Ur mouth, smooth like ur sipping a glass of cold water after baking in 100deg. F all day. My first harvest I had nine plants and did everymethod. Whole plant drying got the...
  2. H

    Can anybody identify this deficiency ?

    its light burn from spraying water or nutes on them.
  3. H

    Nitrogen Deficiency? Something else? Nothing? AIDS?

    nothing to worry about. only different color no not discoloration but different color you refer to is the new growth. once it hits a surge point especially after transplaning the new growth will grow so fast it doesnt have time to become the perfect green your looking for. if still unsure just...
  4. H

    NEED HELP!: Defiency of my Ak-47

    its light burn. happens alot outside or if you spray water on the plants it magnfiies the light and burns it off. the red stemmed. or lower portion of a green stem leaf is just water leaves. nothing to worry about any ways. plant naturally ditches those and sucks all its energy before dropping...
  5. H

    Leaves yellowing - help please!

    depends on your nutes your giving it. when i use BUD XL its surges it into a cycle of more energy to budding and no energy to sustain leaves so some nutes make the leaves yellow real fast. if your budding period isnt that long read the nutes make sure its a flowering cycle nute not a budding...
  6. H

    flowering plant having problems

    id stick with R/O. its s combo of nitro burn potassium def. and calcium def. you need EXTRA cal with Ro systems. ive had to use tripple the amount of my cal-mag myself with Ro systems to keep a bare minimum requirement for my plants. ive use up 3/4 of my cal-mag and im only three weeks into...
  7. H

    Help! leaves dyying all over!

    looks like nitrogen burn. look at your nutes. make sure if you use NUTES every time dont do the full dose. but work your way up to it. and also check that your not cross nute'ing either. most common mistake ive seen yet. you do the full dose when a plant can only take 1/2 the dose of one and the...
  8. H

    How much does root space affect yield?

    i use roots excel myself. pretty pricey but the root systems always end up spriraling out of control at the bottom not even week after transplanting. i got 3 feet in height and 3 feet in width in a 3 gallon pot. so its usually one gallon for 1foot of growth. i use aero pots to for the strongest...
  9. H

    help i think my plant is dying!!!!!!!!!!!

    cheeck your nutes. dont put TWO "bud enhancing nutes" nutes and mix them at the same time. make sure your ph lvl is proper as well usually 5.5-6.5 is best. try to use some sort of filtered water looks like they have to syphon nutes instead of just easing them in. id prefer to use an R.o system...
  10. H

    Cuttings Medium Temperature

    i kept a fan dedicated to the pots(roots) and i use aero pots myelf. easy to bring down temp just spraying cold water on them and letting the fan do the rest of the work. you can try the fan method if your using the usual pots and wrap some old shirts around it and keep it wet. simple, cheap...
  11. H

    bloom duration for skywalker

    i take them out side during lighting hours and bring them back inside during sleeping hours. dont care what ppl have to say about that part. any ways, back to my question and details. whats the duration usually needed for skywalker strain? three feet tall and nearly just as wide when i started...