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  1. bobbinweave

    Flowering early?

    So I got my seeds started real early this year; like around March. So early in fact, that they began to flower as soon as they hit about 6 inches tall. Bummer! I was keeping them in a sunny bay window, but they clearly we're not receiving enough light. I managed to save one plant by topping...
  2. bobbinweave

    My autoflowers are already budding

    Thank you! I actually have two auto seeds left, so I'll give them another go in a month or so.
  3. bobbinweave

    My autoflowers are already budding

    I get photo's to 5 -7 feet by popping them in the ground early spring and letting them go. 6 months of outdoor growing is more than sufficient to get them that big. Unfortunately it's been too cold so far this spring. Christ, we got 6 inches of snow couple days ago! But yes, I will get them...
  4. bobbinweave

    My autoflowers are already budding

    There's always someone on these forums who prefers to knock down the posting person, rather than offer any helpful suggestions
  5. bobbinweave

    My autoflowers are already budding

    You may be very correct, but I don't have the facilities to have a grow room with lights and full apparatus. What I do have is teenage children in the house, and a barely consenting spouse. Every year I'm able to get photoflowers to 5 - 7 feet and autos to 6 - 8". Seems like a no brainer to me...
  6. bobbinweave

    My autoflowers are already budding

    They are only about 35 days old, still in peat pots and sitting in the window. they get bright sunlight during the day, and close to 12 hours of daylight per day.
  7. bobbinweave

    My autoflowers are already budding

    I have two autoflowers, still inside and only about 3 - 4 inches tall. They've only been in the ground since about March 1, and they are already budding! What should I do about fertilizing? I'd like them to grow bigger; much bigger in fact. Should I switch off the weak Nitrogen nute I've...
  8. bobbinweave

    The Right kind of light bulb

    I can't get them all to within four inches, which is why I have 7 bulbs. They are currently in those little expandable peat pellet things. I'm going to to put the whole pellet in slightly larger peat pots with potting soil as the pellets themselves dry out too quickly. I'm going out of town...
  9. bobbinweave

    The Right kind of light bulb

    No pictures yet, but they are just starting their second set of leaves. Most of the bulbs are relatively far away, meaning 6 - 8 inches. Only 1 is under 6"
  10. bobbinweave

    The Right kind of light bulb

    Okay, I've got 4 little girls started. Until the weather warms up consistently, I can't move the outside. Right now I've got them under 7, 100 watt Compact fluorescent bulbs - the kind from the hardware store - 18 hours on, 6 off. Been close to a week. I'm not seeing much of any growth...
  11. bobbinweave

    lighting question

    New plants just poked their little heads up yesterday! Yea, so excited! So far there are two auto-flower and two photo-flower. When growing outdoors, is it necessary for the plants to have direct sunlight, or is daylight enough. I only have a few spots that receive significant sunshine all...
  12. bobbinweave

    New England outdoor 2015

    I'm having my best year ever!
  13. bobbinweave

    Expecting heavy rain next couple of days

    Buds are at about 8 weeks or so, getting big and smelly. should I worry about heavy rains; not damaging the plant so much as damaging the buds. Also, some of the buds / whole branches, appear to done; not producing white hairs anymore. The rest of the plant is still going, although slowly...
  14. bobbinweave

    Late / small buds?

    I'm in central CT and that's about where mine are too. 2 bag seed plants that came up female, and 2 feminized; a Russian Rocket Fuel and a Sour Blueberry. I'm hoping at least another 30 days of grow or more...
  15. bobbinweave

    Need a little advice...

    I didn't defoliate it, I thinned out the older larger leaves so light could reach the inside buds. In fact I read about that technique on this forum. And yes, older leaves will die off in nature while the plant continues to grow.
  16. bobbinweave

    Need a little advice...

    I've got a female plant here - Russian Rocket fuel. About 4 feet tall and been in flower stage for close 3 or 4 weeks. Just last week I trimmed off the vast majority of leaf to expose what the many, many little buds all over the plant. I fertilize regularly with a 'blossom booster fertilizer...
  17. bobbinweave

    I've got a lighting question...

    I have one plant that apparently was an autoflower, and has already gone to bud. Unfortunately it is not near as big as I hoped it would be when this occurred. Since it is still kind of early spring weather in here in the Northeast, and sunny days can be few and far between, I thought I would...
  18. bobbinweave

    Is this enough light to get something started?

    I'm guessing that the packaging is going to tell me the spectrum? And it sounds like I'll need two sets of bulbs; some in the 6500 range and another set in the 2700 range, correct?
  19. bobbinweave

    Just found out my two girls are - gasp! - Boys!

    i say grow time, because although I have plenty of space for them, the space is above the unheated garage. By November/December I imagine it will be too cold to do much
  20. bobbinweave

    Just found out my two girls are - gasp! - Boys!

    Thanks, Yeah, I'm looking at inside for now.