Search results

  1. S

    Hydro Nutrient Challenge

    Earl, I left my list of nutrients and supplies and was still very interested in joining your challenge
  2. S

    Hydro Nutrient Challenge

    All my info is in my earlier post on this page
  3. S

    Hydro Nutrient Challenge

    I am in the US, is there a way I can PM you if I havent used my rollitup account much at all? email, or I would like to participate and reprsesent the US team :)
  4. S

    Hydro Nutrient Challenge

    I just found this link and I am very interested in participating... I have quite a bit of equipment; A complete BC northern lights grow chamber with drip/dwc system, co2, 2x 430 watt hps, 125 watt cfl. co2 w/ regulator. Also have 2x 1000 watt HPS 1x 400 watt MH 6 inch vortex co2 with regulator...
  5. S

    Seasoned Grower using BC Northern Lights Producer-Juicy Fruit and BC Sweet:Co2, Hydro

    My story as a grower started 6 years ago growing large outdoor plants in New England: After Realizing I had a green thumb I I moved to California and began growing Medical Grade Marijuana under Legal state laws. My latest endeavor involves The Producer, a grow cabinet made by BC...