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  1. Troym8

    Messed up supercroping need help please

    i taped it up straight should it be fine i used duct tape
  2. Troym8

    Messed up supercroping need help please

    i bent it and it didnt rip apart but is very flimsy at the break and is turning color at the break
  3. Troym8

    yesterday i posted how does my plant look

    i have a clf and 2 regular
  4. Troym8

    I can see small yellowish brown speckles on my top leaves please help

    i have a 200w clf bulb and 2 regular 100w bulbs and i water it 2 times a day its about 3 weeks and 3 days old you can almost see it in the pic
  5. Troym8

    I can see small yellowish brown speckles on my top leaves please help

    I really need some advice because my top leaves have little brownish tan speckles
  6. Troym8

    Is my plant old enough to supercrop

    please some advice new at this
  7. Troym8

    yesterday i posted how does my plant look

    i got 200watt lights 2 of them but one doesnt work need to go to the store to get another one AND 2 100w bulbs
  8. Troym8

    why is my plant so tall

    please give me some advice
  9. Troym8

    How Does my plant look

    miricalegrow with plant food and absorbs water
  10. Troym8

    How Does my plant look

    Can i use plant food yet
  11. Troym8

    How Does my plant look

    so what should i do for lights
  12. Troym8

    How Does my plant look

    what are the best lights to get
  13. Troym8

    How Does my plant look

    sylvania it says sw
  14. Troym8

    How Does my plant look

    2 100w light bulbs about 10inches away
  15. Troym8

    How Does my plant look

    Tell me what you think im new to growing and need some advice plz help