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  1. $PliFDoG

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    Holy Weed Crumbs, that's a monster and I'm not worthy; Very nice job looks like you'll be yeiding at least a pound on that beauty
  2. $PliFDoG

    pre-flowering...what now? please help

    I don't consider a plant flowering until it's really noticeable. You can't put a time on when you think your plants going to be done. Sometimes it could take longer than the breeder specified because of certain elements. If your going to use Tiger Bloom for flowering use it with Big Bloom also...
  3. $PliFDoG

    What To Do About those Dam Deer

    Going out there when the sun starts to come up, will post some pics. Got some Vids but don't think you can post them on this site? HAPPY GROWING comrades
  4. $PliFDoG

    What To Do About those Dam Deer

    Just wanted to give people a heads up on some of those deer and rabbit repellent spray shit. I thought it was decent because I used it in the past but not this year. Deer ate the tops of 2 of my plants and totally stripped one of my other ladies. I sprayed all around the parameter very...
  5. $PliFDoG

    Starting another grow... Easyryder...

    I grew EasyRyder when it kind of first hit the scene big like 2 1/2 years ago. I now see more than one breeder claiming this strain. When I grew mine it was from the breeder The Joint Doctor. I couldn't believe the results. I got way more of a yeild than I thought on a shit set-up. Their...
  6. $PliFDoG

    i think i messed up...

    growing is all trial and error, but your ladies will survive marijauna is a very stubborn plant. you probably won't see any significant growth for a little bit because she might be in shock. once your plant is established it is good practice to take of the bottom branches for air circulation and...
  7. $PliFDoG

    How long can...

    That is interesting I wasn't thinking of that. I heard of people keeping mother plants on 24 hrs of light for long stretches so they will always stay in Veg for cloning purposes.
  8. $PliFDoG

    How long can...

    you could Veg with 24 hours of light the whole time if you wanted, but she likes to get at least some darkness; I think 18/6 is perfect personally for Veg. Aut0-Dwarfs on the otherhand love 24 hours constant through it's whole life cycle