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  1. milk17

    Lighting advice real fast thanks

    I think you just inadvertently gave me your 2 cents
  2. milk17

    Lighting advice real fast thanks

    I need your 0.02$ on "DIY LED lighting vs. Commercial LED lights" also "LED vs. CFLs" which is more inexpensive which is the right way to go
  3. milk17

    Need advice for setup

    I want a setup that's cost efficient & can go in a closet. I live in arizona.. it gets real hot. I've already done this before but the buds I grew were no good, they were Airy and didn't smoke good. So what can I do to make a working setup in this heat thats not very big. I'm thinking 1 or 2...
  4. milk17

    Close to harvest

    what do you think
  5. milk17

    Close to harvest

    bagseed, i probably won't go get a scope even though it's cheap this is the only plant i'm growing for now
  6. milk17

    trap beat fl studio hope that u like it.. this is what i do when i get high
  7. milk17

    Close to harvest

    What are the best ways to tell when the plant is ready without looking at the trichs started flowering on 8/6, I can't look at the trichs how long do you think she needs
  8. milk17

    cfls to arizona sunlight

    she is 35 days into flower and i have her under 2 cfls, do you think putting her outside is a good idea. I live in Arizona where it's hot.
  9. milk17

    1 month later...

    How do you think she looks. I didn't use nutrients, just 707 soil, and 2 flouros.
  10. milk17

    My first grow

    Soooooo I wanted to show you how my plant was doing and i wanted to ask you guys if you knew why the leaves have them brown spots, also shes a few days into flower now because I didn't want to wait. Since it's my first grow i'm not expecting a lot of buds anyway..
  11. milk17

    Did you ever do DMT?

    :wall::?: I did it, my experience was good what do you guys think
  12. milk17

    Phoenix AZ

    thank you i like the mountains out here man..
  13. milk17

    Phoenix AZ

    Yea just moved from DC.. off the 51 on glendale
  14. milk17

    Phoenix AZ

    I just moved here, nice to meet u
  15. milk17

    First grow need help

    havn't started nutes yet heres update which brand nutrients do u recommend
  16. milk17

    First grow need help

    bump I put 5, 2 liter bottles with yeast and sugar water in there, u can tell the plant liked it. but the leaves are still yellowing and now turning brown.
  17. milk17

    First grow need help

    The leaves are yellowing and you can see the bottoms ones are dying. I see also heat stress but i don't know why the leaves are turning yellow.. maybe nitrogen deficiency or ph issue, which is it?
  18. milk17

    First Time Grower

    About 1 or 2 weeks in now.. Does it look over watered Should i start using nutrients
  19. milk17

    First Time Grower

    Thanks for your relpys. I am using 707 soil with no perlite or coco, my setup has poor ventilation and I'm using party cups as pots. I just reduced the light cycle to 18/6 hours instead of 24 hours to hopefully reduce the temp in the box. I don't know the ph of the soil or water. I am just...
  20. milk17

    First Time Grower

    Whats wrong with this plant, How do the other 2 look?