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  1. GrowGain

    Transfering seed-harvest plants outside...

    Anybody out there?
  2. GrowGain

    Transfering seed-harvest plants outside...

    Hey everybody. My first grow I strictly wanted seeds from, and I have them growing in abundance on my pretty lil ladies. I'd really like to move them outside though, so my question is this: They're roughly 5-6 week into flowering and I'm not sure when the seeds are going to mature. I've...
  3. GrowGain

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    Somebody a few pages back made a good point... if they know it's there, and they're amoral enough to rip you off, it's not inconceivable that they would just tip off the cops if they couldn't have it themselves. I know you've got a sweet setup, but it sounds like too many people (namely, anyobdy...
  4. GrowGain

    Root gel and some experiments

    Congratulations, Panhead - that's a beauty. This whole thread has given me a new line of interest for my current grow. Was the Moose growing in soil or hydro?
  5. GrowGain

    Hi - new to the forum, have two problems, any help would be fantastic!!

    Thanks for the info guys, that light thing was kinda stupid of me. It's moot now because all 8 of the crops got flushed the other night. (Long story, but my a-hole brother got cops brought to the house. Not knowing why they were there at 11:30 at night, and having just been awakened from a...
  6. GrowGain

    Hi - new to the forum, have two problems, any help would be fantastic!!

    Hi everybody - I'm a first-time grower living out west. I've researched the heck out of this entire thing to the best of my ability when I first got the itch to grow, and I think I've learned everything I possibly could without actually doing it. So... I've got one problem I'm hoping you all...