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  1. C

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Can you tell me please, Once you've trimmed the leaves and are now ready for drying does the room have to be dark?? i know when you put them into jars it has to be cool and dark but just dont know wether it has to be dark when your hanging and drying? thank you ;)
  2. C

    Cuttings growing but no roots!!

    thanks for the info smokinrav, i never intended to do the cuttings my plant got big real quick so i cut it back and took some cuttings from it, but she just kept bigger she grew out my greenhouse, so now its outsie, the hairs are much darker and gets pretty battered in the english weather, not...
  3. C

    Cuttings growing but no roots!!

    Cool thanks ill do that, would it still be ok to pot now? even though theyre flowering? Here are my ones in the soil, they're much better and flowering lovely.
  4. C

    Cuttings growing but no roots!!

    I took cuttings from my cheese plant about 2 months ago, i used rooting powder and tried two methods one lot in just water the other in soil and perlite. The Ones in soil have rooted been re-potted and are now in flower and doing really well, the ones in water are flowering but have still not...
  5. C

    How do i take cuttings from my plant?

    Hi can anyone help? should i take some cuttings from my plant? shes growing really well after a re-pot and im just wondering if i should do some cuttings? if possible? or should i just leave well alone.? heres a few pics... if i do do cuttings? how would i go about doing it? where do i cut and...
  6. C

    not very well

    HI Buds, Thanks for advice, I cant take it out of the greenhouse there is nowhere else for me to put it. Do you think she wont flower? we havnt had much sun round here lately..Ive just repotted into a larger pot, I thought it would be ok in the pot before, but when i moved her into the...
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    not very well

    Thanks Slipon, Some great advice, i will be re-potting tomorrow with a nice big pot, some perlite and check the ph levels in the soil too. Im not too sure if its flowering it has lots of white hairs everywhere but to me its just getting taller and gangely. My friend (female) cut quite a bit off...
  8. C

    not very well

    Thanks, ill re-pot her today, with a lot of TLC then a nice feed? i cant pull the bricks up but thanks for the advice. i never imagined she would get that big, looking forward to seeing her get better, will post pics of progress. ;)
  9. C

    not very well

    Thank you both for replies, would it be ok to re-pot now? i was told it would stress it out too much? it really needs it.
  10. C

    not very well

    Hi im such a newbie, I have/had a beautiful plant she was born feb (given by a friend and supposed to be a cheese variety ) grew real big real quick havent used anylights just natural light in south facing bathroom, and feed with a plant food regular ( grown in normal everyday compost). A friend...
  11. C

    Read This First!

    Hi im such a newbie, I have/had a beautiful plant she was born feb (given by a friend and supposed to be a cheese variety ) grew real big real quick havent used anylights just natural light in south facing bathroom, and feed with a plant food regular ( grown in normal everyday compost). A friend...