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  1. Flabos

    What to do with plants that wont finish?

    Pick as much buds as possible. They stil might be potent. Rest turn into cannabutter/hash. You never know.
  2. Flabos

    Whens to cold outdoor for my girl?with pic (average temp. day-mid 70's night-low 60s)

    low 60's is absolutely fine! I get low 60s in the daytime and low 50s at the night and going strong. Depending on the strain, they can even survive few nights of frost.
  3. Flabos

    Still not flowering?

    End of octobersouunice. We get them by the end of september. Which is not great, not great at all.
  4. Flabos

    Still not flowering?

    Anyone with that kind of problem still here? When do the frosts hit u?
  5. Flabos

    Talache outdoor 2011

    QP to maybe Half a Pound on the bigger ones. Depends on weather a lot. When do frosts start ? I'm further into north (Finland).
  6. Flabos

    Help Me Guess My Guerilla Grow Yield

    In total i would say anywhere between 200-300 grams
  7. Flabos

    Help with my plant!! Plz ave a look...

    I know what you feel. I am even further north and still not flowering (Around 60* N). I have like 6 weeks max. Thats the best case scenario. More realistic is that i get to about halfway through flowering and i have to pull them. Got to get some autoflowers for the next year . . .
  8. Flabos

    What nutes is everyone using right now outside??

    Schultz 8-14-9. Before i used mild organic fert made from seaweed. It was 2-2-2
  9. Flabos

    Help with my plant!! Plz ave a look...

    Length of day ? Should start flowering soon. From flowering it takes aprox. 8 weeks +/- 2 weeks depending on the strain and genetics.
  10. Flabos

    First Grow - 250w - 2'x3'x5' tent - BigBud/Strawberry Cough cross

    I think ~2 weeks is sufficient. They are close to being ready. Soon.
  11. Flabos

    What Are The Quickest Flowering Strains?

    Autoflowering strains are the fastest. Though they do not yield that much. The weed itself anyways is potent when grown with care and love.
  12. Flabos

    First Time Under the Sun.

    I don't know much about fertz which are sold in the US. But i've heard that miracle grow and foxfarm nutes will do just fine. They should start flowering soon so i would buy something with higher P. 10-20-10 or 10-30-10.
  13. Flabos

    First Time Under the Sun.

    I would consider transplanting them to a bigger pot. And introduce some light nutes. Lets say 1/3 of the ammount said on the fert bottle and work it up from there.
  14. Flabos

    60th parallel north. Possible to grow?

    What you think? Frosts usually start at the end of september. Would they get ready or somewhat close to ready before the frosts? Is it possible at all to grow and harvest some without autoflowering plants? Thanks.
  15. Flabos

    orange hairs on pre-flowering?!

    That is not a problem. It is completely ok that some turn orange. In the end they all will be like this. Dont worry. Your plants look perfectly normal. Mine get orange hairs all over them although they haven't started flowering yet...
  16. Flabos

    Damn Nirvana seeds

    Latitude : 59 degrees Duration of day: 16 hours, 1 minute (4 minutes, 56 seconds shorter than yesterday) I have plants that haven't started flowering neither. Gotta pull atleast at the end of september probably. Maybe a week into october if im lucky. Going to be mad wet and cold soon ... : S...
  17. Flabos

    Outdoor Trainwreck

    They look really nice and bushy. I'd consider transplanting to a bigger pot.
  18. Flabos

    when does flowering outdoors start?(help asap plz)

    Preflowers appear earlier. They will start flowering sooner than it gets to 12/12 because they feel how days are getting shorter. Depending on your location they're going to start budding mid july - sometime august.
  19. Flabos

    Preflower, Or Buds

    Pre-flowers. You can change the nutes allready if you want. Won't make a big difference cause your plants are monstrous anyways.