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  1. Mystic John Appleseed

    Want the best for my ladies

    Right now I have it about 4 ft away because of the intense heat, they are responding very well, short bushy and very strong
  2. Mystic John Appleseed

    Want the best for my ladies

    Thanks for the tips. I've heard using Hps for flowering results in airy wirerey buds, and using the MH for flowering will give me dence resin covered buds. So I'm going to assume using MH for veg then switching to HPS for flowering will give fluffy resin covered buds. Any input fellas?
  3. Mystic John Appleseed

    Want the best for my ladies

    I have 2 light sets; 1 1,000 watt MH and 1 1,000 watt HPS. I really don't care much for yeild, quality is more important to me. I've heard of people using both at the same time (runs too Hot for my room), MH for veg and Hps for flower, and one type of bulb all the way through. My question to you...
  4. Mystic John Appleseed

    question about ebb and flow

    no, from what i understand light is bad for the roots. you should place them in a medium in the ebb n flow system, i recommend rockwool (almost idiot proof), the medium will provide something for the roots to grow into, protect them from light, and give them access to h2o, nutes, and air.
  5. Mystic John Appleseed

    1st Grow

    I expect half to be males, and a few casualties, hope for at least a handfull of ladies
  6. Mystic John Appleseed

    1st Grow

    finally figured out how to upload, edited earlier post, check it out guys
  7. Mystic John Appleseed

    1st Grow

    I'm trying to post using soley my iPhone, I don't have access to my PC ATM
  8. Mystic John Appleseed

    1st Grow

    Anyone know how I can get pics from iPhone onto forum without uploading to my PC?
  9. Mystic John Appleseed

    my plant is 7 weeks old i think itshould be bigger plz tell me what u think

    Was going to get into a long sermon on grow room hygiene lol
  10. Mystic John Appleseed

    1st Grow

    This is my very first it a try. They are 2 weeks, 3 days old in this photo. have them under a 1000 Watt MH bulb. im looking for some expert advice...tell me what you guys think. these are all mexican brick-trash bagseeds, intested to see what happens
  11. Mystic John Appleseed

    1st Grow
