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  1. S

    How long till I should harvest?

    Just gonna go by picture but it's like day 73 after I switched it to 12-12. Thanks!
  2. S

    How do my plants look?

    Yes this is my first indoor grow. The buds on the little one are dense as helllllll. They're like rocks. But the big one is scaring me a little. The plant is in a big room but the ac in the room broke so it is a tad bit hot. But yes I did an outdoor grow once before with some success. I'm...
  3. S

    How do my plants look?

    The biggest plant is a blueberry plant and te smaller one is unknown. I switched te lights to 12/12 63 days ago and I give them about a week and a half - 2 weeks to convert to full flowering. So I'd say they've been in full flowering for about 49-50 days. Or whatever everyone has their own take...
  4. S

    Any ideas/suggestions? Slow growth in flower

    I have what looks to be a pure sativa that's in day 51 of flowering and it hasn't seemed to create any bulk. It's in about 8 gallons of soil in fox farm ocean forest soil under a 150 watt hps and a 90w led UFO. Thanks ahead of time. Some leaves are turning downwards. I feed every Tuesday and...
  5. S

    How many gallons of feed should I use per gallon of soil?

    I'm feeding once a week and watering once a week. I'm in day 36 of flower and I'm using jacks classic blossom booster. I'm mixing 1 tbsp per gallon of water. The plant I'm using it for is in about 8 gallons of soil. Any suggestions?
  6. S

    Any suggestions? Need some help please!

    I thought so too... that and the light beig to close. I flushed today to switch to flowering nutes next week so if it is iron def it should show some pretty good signs of it in the next few days and I will know exactly what's wrong. Thanks! overall though guy how does she look?? I feel like this...
  7. S

    Any suggestions? Need some help please!

    Okay cool thank you so basically just cut off the dead stuff. Alright will do thank you!
  8. S

    Any suggestions? Need some help please!

    Anybody out there?
  9. S

    Any suggestions? Need some help please!

    alright thank you temps are under 80. 76 to be exact. but alright here's the further progress. Quick update!!! Give me some feedback! The tops got burnt from the light because my friend forgot to move it up but I fixed it and they seem to be somewhat back on track. Thanks guys!!
  10. S

    Any suggestions? Need some help please!

    How do I fix the tops? they got burnt, my friend forgot to move the light up and was too lazy too do it himself and I had to go over and do it. will the plant be okay? it's on its 2nd day of 12/12 and that burn happened on sunday.
  11. S

    Any suggestions? Need some help please!

    Ok thank you everyone... I think I'm beginning to see a huge improvement thus far just after moving the lights up.... and aerating the room. Like seriously Idk where I read that it was 2 inches above the plants for the light to be set but i could've been reading about LED's since that's the only...
  12. S

    Any suggestions? Need some help please!

    I just moved it up about a foot away from the plant. THought that was the problem originally. Thank you guys What about the yellowing tips? are those a nute deficiency?
  13. S

    Any suggestions? Need some help please!

    Okay, so my baby is a blueberry plant, in fox farm ocean forest soil In a 5 gallon bucket, using jacks classic fertilizers. It's on it's 41st day from germination and it seems to be unhealthy. The leaves are curling up towards the middle veins, and the tips of every leaf are turning yellow, they...
  14. S

    Day 24 plants are sagging a little, do I start nutrients?

    I have 2 plants, under a 150watt hps and a 90watt led UFO, they are in fox farm ocean forest and it's been 24 days since I first dropped them seeds in the water to germ. Anybody have any suggestions? I just watered them today before I took that picture. Thank you in advance
  15. S

    How long will the seeds last in the cup of water until they go bad?

    Sorry didn't explain far enough. The parents said yes multiple times. And then when we got everything set up they changed their mind. guys seriously thanks for the help but I don't need anybody telling me I'm retarded. I just wanted some help but obviously I don't deserve it. I'm not that dumb...
  16. S

    How long will the seeds last in the cup of water until they go bad?

    I'm germing seeds right now and I started them approx 7 pm on Sunday, we were gonna take tem out yesterday's but were denied by my friends parent about growing. So they are still sitting in the cups right now and most have cracked already, how long will they be in their until they go bad...
  17. S

    what the fuck

    thats hilarious hahahahahaha i could see people actually making that into a popular name haha...
  18. S

    what the fuck

    Well he grows his own and deals it... He said he got it off a clone, that his dad bought at a dispensary. The smoke is amazing actually though! like I'm surprised haha. mix of pine and light citrus with an earthy kush tone on inhale, and a smooth skunky flavor on exhale... nothing like anything...
  19. S

    what the fuck

    just picked up some ganj. dealer said its called "what the fuck" i believe hes mistaken and that its alaskan thunderfuck. but he swears hes right, anyone heard of this strain before? either way, its covered in crystals, and smells, well, i guess, idk what the fuck it smells like. haha