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  1. colind


    I do hope so. She is so near everything has sort of sped up its mad not slow real fast changing overnight she has near gone red getting to stage of the chop i am trying so hard to resist but i honestly think resistance is futile one halve of me is going cut her down shes lovely yummy then the...
  2. colind


    Sonar had look at journal (nice) and just to give a new look at just how fast these are going for it now the only site on plant thats got no red is a little group of popcorns at base of plant and she is still so bushie sounds harsh but secretly wish few sun leaves would drop but no it has,nt it...
  3. colind

    Dubious Greenhouse Grow

    Also had closer look and most seem indica mainly but noticed one or two that have sativa characaristics the broad leaves indicate indica and long thin leaves show the sativa side of the plant so you may have hybrids amongst them i would not worry about strain just weed boys at the right time...
  4. colind

    is this a preflower?

    congrats on your girl
  5. colind

    Dubious Greenhouse Grow

    they look healthy and as for strain all i can tell you that they are indica strain which one no idea but good luck on grow
  6. colind


    hi i am 11 and a halve all in it veged for four and a halve weeks and been flowerin seven and with this strain important thing is 15 degreas know it sounds dumb but light aint the key issue with this strain they will go all year as long as night time temp is not under the magic 15 i bought them...
  7. colind


    i think you guys are right the jewlers glass i thought of this but its knowing if they should be milky clear or orange i get confused with that one i understand princible just the practical is mystery and thank you for rep and i will let her continue a bit longer and yes it is first outside grow...
  8. colind


    Hi all please look at my green o matic i think if i stop watering tommorrow i think she will be ready for early morning chop day after what u guys think she is around 35% red pistils they are every where there are still few tuffs of cream pistils but know they change on drieing prosses so do i...
  9. colind

    Grown a few herbs now enjoy the challange of new strains

    Grown a few herbs now enjoy the challange of new strains
  10. colind

    green-o-matic greenhouse grow update

    well she is well on way to a sticky end and sticky is the word she has realy started to swell and white frost aint the word she is thick like snow drift lol and smells so sweet 10 more days i hope some of her lower leaves have eventualy started to pale down not yellow yet just bit paler any way...
  11. colind

    green-o-matic greenhouse grow update

    those are green-o-matic and got them from dr chronic we have shop in our town but do have online to buy they cost 25 pounds uk for 5 also have another one at freinds being grown under hps just to see difference i have to be honest i am more than happy with her grow as she has gave me no issues...
  12. colind

    green-o-matic greenhouse grow update

    outside all day everyday no matter what weather inside as need 15 degreas over night apart from that nothing and hoping for around ounce drie but we will see and i have to thank all for nice remarks
  13. colind

    green-o-matic greenhouse grow update

    i found them realy slow at first honestly thought bugger was dying she was around 10-12 1nches and very bushy the buds are quite unusual they seem quite large pod wise but she has bright red pistils forming at min and very sticky and sweet smell bit like sherbert i would not recomend chems as...
  14. colind

    green-o-matic greenhouse grow update

    many thanks
  15. colind

    green-o-matic greenhouse grow update

    well here she is now six weeks flowering started to display red pistils they are bright red and she is still very green foilage wise have not used anything other than left out tap water and cheep soil to grow this plant as for a plant i would grow again i am not to sure yet as she has about two...
  16. colind

    What is the best way for prunung plantsfor mass quantity

    well if its pruning outdoor grow to promote yeild yes and no i do out door grow and one plant i started trimming week 3 after flowering started and watched fo first signs of plant not needing leaves and trimming as needed ive found it forces plants to produce not so much bigger budd it does...
  17. colind

    Help determining sex!

    male im sorry to say
  18. colind

    green-o-matic &indica dom greenhouse grow no chems pics

    bongsmiliewell here are new pics of my two just before bed they are both around five-six weekd into flowering now still no chems and both are healthy and frosting like christmas trees they smell of sherbert its a cool smell they are both showing red pistils more on the green o matic she is...
  19. colind

    indica and green o matic greenhouse grow todays pics

    the indica is the one i have targeted to finnish hope it dont take much longer as after a lighter buzz so going for 20% orange white mix as the oranger the heavier and to be honest i dont want to be stuck on couch slobbering ide sooner be giggley
  20. colind

    indica and green o matic greenhouse grow todays pics

    yes i agrea but the green o matic it started itself its autoflowering and the indica wel it was put into flower when it reached 4 and half weeks i live southeast coast uk and thanks