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  1. C

    Trying to understand PH

    i am growing in sphagnum peat and the ph is around 5.7 when i water and feed should the ph of the water be the same? seem to always have issues with ph. any help would be great. thanks
  2. C

    an obvious plug to gain business. i have no issue with people trying to make a living but not everyone is a complete retard. at least have the balls to say you either work for or own If it looks like a fish and it smells like fish, chances are its a fish and something smells fishy...
  3. C

    I need a suggestion for a good strain to try for a 12/12 grow

    i tried 12/12 from seed with sour diesel from bc seed king, and had excellent results and harvested 66 days after germing (germing took less than a day). they grew about 3.5 feet and yielded about 2 oz each with 800watts hps. no issues at all. i was able to sex them after 14 days, so 12/12 from...