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  1. C

    spider mites or mold?

    Just about ready to harvest and I peak under the leaves and see something that almost makes me cry :-( There's a white fluffy stuff in a few spots in amongst the dense bud. Pictures are attached. Is it mold? Or perhaps the webs of spider mites?
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    is it a boy?

    Thanks for lending your eyes everyone! Better to know now rather than later!
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    is it a boy?

    I turned to 12/12 recently and on one I'm seeing what I think might be balls :cry: What do those with more experience say?
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    Delicious Popcorn

    Has anyone else tried melting some spices in with butter to drizzle on your popcorn? It can be a culinary delight. I especially like basil, dill, and garlic (though not necessarily together.)
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    Help! lights problem

    As long as you don't let it grow too big (IE switch to flowering 12-12 mode very soon) 3 more CFLs will be OK. It is good that you have it inside a cabinet (with white/reflective interior I presume?) so that almost no photons go to waste. If you want to let it veg longer it'll get bigger and...
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    best hallucinogen for a first timer?

    Hello all, I'm planning on trying something new this summer and I was wondering your thoughts are on what I should try. I'm looking mainly to enjoy myself and connect with the world a bit as I feel my way through a new experience. If I learn something about myself or my surroundings that's a...
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    careful when you post pictures!! GPS can be a bitch

    It's true that a lot of pictures give me that message, but not all. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know exactly how it works, but from what I've noticed it looks like the pics which are embedded as thumbnails that you click to make them expand, those pics all seem to have the exif data...
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    careful when you post pictures!! GPS can be a bitch

    Hey everyone, This isn't anything new; it has been mentioned on this forum before, but I think it deserves more attention. Digital pictures contain a whole bunch of extra user information data (called 'exif' data.) Often times this is just camera info like focal distance, exposure time, etc...
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    mini-documentary on Barry Cooper (never get busted guy) This is nothing new, in fact it aired last April, but there's an interesting little documentary on Barry Cooper out on NPR. Barry Cooper is the guy who made the 'Never Get Busted Again' videos. He also ran a show...
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    Tourism Advice in Amsterdam

    Hi everyone! I haven't posted in a while since life's been too crazy to allow me time to garden for quite some time!:( Anyway, I've been lucky enough to be offered the opportunity to attend a conference in The Netherlands on my company's dime at the beginning of May! The conference is in...
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    Lighting Schedules: Pepper, Basil Cilantro

    Awesome, thanks for all the advice everyone!
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    Lighting Schedules: Pepper, Basil Cilantro

    Hello all. I'm about to grow a few plants in my retired grow cab for the winter, and I'm finding it much harder to find lighting information on these plants than good ol' mary jane! So do any of you have info regarding what lighting spectrum (red vs. blue) I should use for any of the following...
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    The mathematically perfect leaf!

    Hahaha, for all those nerds out there who have ever heard of WolframAlpha or know what a polar plot is, you might enjoy this:[(1+%2B+0.9+Cos[8+t])+(1+%2B+0.1+Cos[24+t])+(0.9+%2B+0.05+Cos[200+t])+(1+%2B+Sin[t]),+{t,+-Pi,+Pi}]
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    male plant hash?

    I've made honey oil from male plants and it turned out nicely potent
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    Need Tips on First outdoor grow

    For germinating seeds I use the paper towel method (fold seeds up inside a paper towel, moisten it, keep it moist for a couple days by watering it and putting a plastic bag over it helps to slow evaporation, in a couple days, 2-6, they should show taproots. then put them in dirt) Other methods...
  16. C

    Drying with rice

    Interesting I hope it works. It looks like there's a lot of leaf left on that cola. I know a lot of people like to leave it on there until after it's dried, but I'd think it would dry faster if you chopped a bit more off. Good luck!
  17. C

    When to harvest a male plant?

    Oh, and to address the original question, I harvested mine about a day or two after their pollen sacs first opened (reeeally wish I'd snagged 'em earlier of course...) I don't know when the optimum time is but I can't imagine they would increase in potency after that since it's basically the end...
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    When to harvest a male plant?

    Yep, that's the idea. I did this with my two males that I had. It worked well! A large crumb sized drop of oil is enough to get me decently high. From the two males (which were maybe 1.5 feet tall but LST'd quite a bit) I got enough oil for maybe one to two dozen uses. Not a huge amount...
  19. C

    Betting with weed...

    LOL Well, at least he was smart enough to not say anything to the cops...
  20. C

    water cure?

    I've water cured before and I definitely approved of the results! First of all, since I haven't seen anyone state it explicitly yet: Water curing does NOT cause any loss of THC or any of the other cannabinoids. (unless, of course, you handle it roughly in the process) It does weaken some of...