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  1. M

    Screen for hash

    Thanks so much. Time to buy myself a Christmas present
  2. M

    Screen for hash

    Can't find an outlet for the correct mesh screen for screening out the goodies. Any ideas.
  3. M

    How late can you

    I was having some spider mite problems, outdoors by the way, it took 2 doses about a week apart. Problem seems to be gone at this point. I have numerous diferent strains, so not all where in the same depth of flower. It has been 2-1/2 weeks since last dose. A few will be done in 2 weeks, some 4...
  4. M

    How late can you

    Hope its not ruined.
  5. M

    How late can you

    So is it taste?
  6. M

    How late can you

    How late can you spray neem oil or azamax? Will it affect taste? Mac
  7. M

    leaves are curling around

    Why will it ruin you crop? Got 6 weeks left here. I sprayed Azamax.
  8. M

    leaves are curling around

    Guess I will be going by the farm supply store after work.
  9. M

    leaves are curling around

    Leaves are curling around bud and there is some spider web in there when I peel the leaves back. Is that a spider mite?
  10. M

    In one day!

    outdoors. I will get pics tomorrow
  11. M

    In one day!

    Came home at dark, went out to check girls. Little brown spots all over the leaves that I can wipe off. Went from clean leaves to this in 24 hours. Any ideas? Mackelby
  12. M

    leaves are curling

    Leaves are curling and white spots are giving me fits. sprayed some organic pest control on them 3 days ago. Made them worse. Bugs appear to be gone, but plants look poor. Usinf a miracle grow soil that is supposed to have 2 months of nutes in it.
  13. M

    Bugs beware!

    You mean the stuff to detail cars with????
  14. M

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Wish the pictures where available from the original post
  15. M

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Thanks for diagram! Never topped before, so needless to say I am a little anxious cutting on something so beatiful. I will do 1 tonite. Note to self, I can do this!!!
  16. M

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    I have been reading the thread for a couple hours, being the newbie that I am a picture of the plant before the cut above the 2nd node would be nice. Would like to be sure before I pull the trigger. Plants are about 3 weeks old. Ready to try.Or maybe point me to thread that has such a picture.