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  1. B

    I need to grow FAST- it stops my seizures

    To quicken your grow & flower times, supplementing the CO2 in the grow space works well. You can do this by getting some yeast and activating it with slightly warm water and sugar. The yeast exhale CO2. They can be kept alive by adding fresh water and sugar every week or so. Google it for more...
  2. B

    I need to grow FAST- it stops my seizures

    If it's a male, yeah, kill it. To veg you can use the fluoros. Do you know what the wattage of the fluoros is? To flower it, use the HPS and warm cfl's. Warm cfl's have a kelvin rating of about 2700. The cool cfl's have a kelvin rating of about 5000, and can be used to veg it. Obviously, the...
  3. B

    I need to grow FAST- it stops my seizures

    Sorry, you already answered the light question. Yeah, just go to 12/12 with a flowering fertilizer at 1/2 strength. Over the next few weeks, gradually increase the strength of the fertilizer up to what the label tells you. Good luck.
  4. B

    I need to grow FAST- it stops my seizures

    Are you sure it's female?
  5. B

    I need to grow FAST- it stops my seizures

    If you wait longer, you'll get increased yields. What kind of light do you have it under? You'll want to get a flowering fertilizer. Every fertilizer has three numbers on it's label. The middle # is for it's phosphorus content, which plants need to flower. Your bucket size is probably fine.
  6. B

    I need to grow FAST- it stops my seizures

    Go to 12/12 now. They'll be fine.
  7. B

    Buddy got busted...

    Check out NORML's site. They've got a ton of info on penalties, state by state: State By State Laws - NORML