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  1. C

    6000w "FULL OF FUNK" grow...

    because your information is inaccurate. hydroponic systems do not achieve bigger yields and are not easier to maintain. they require much more work maintaining ph and nutrient balance way to go northwest im running the exact set up right now. only i dont use mh lights and i have a 10000 btu...
  2. C

    600w+ Sensi Star & GDP Grow - Yellow/Claw Leaves

    cal mag wont hurt almost ever. the curling is probably a temperature problem. leaves tend to yellow in late flowering almost no matter what you do. is your light air-cooled? this will help with the temperature. i wouldnt worry about the metal halide its a waste of money especially for flower...
  3. C

    on adv how long for your clones to root in rockwool

    im a cali medicinal grower.... no wonder you have never had clones root. you cant take cuttings during flower. any plant in flower must go through incredible stress to get back to vegatative state. when your trying to get a branch with flowers to root its damn near impossible.