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  1. pnseekr

    Help Starting Seeds In Rockwool

    Kyle...take some paper towels and dampen them and place on a saucer. Spread the seeds over it and cover with another damp towel and cover that with another saucer. Place in a warm (not hot) dark place and check on daily. Make sure paper towels stay damp (not soaked). Give them 4-5 days and they...
  2. pnseekr

    BIG QUESTION please help!!!

    Do you mean flower? If so, at 1 1/2 feet you should be ready to go 12/12.
  3. pnseekr

    Day 27 flowering - my first grow

    Nice...hope mine looks that good.
  4. pnseekr

    Stealth Hydro Grow

    Hey sTOKEd I remember the bushy 70' I'll post pics as they come along. IHeart...I'm looking on CL and Ebay today. Why didn't I think of that? I'll keep the advice on the nutes. I know there have to be better out there. You know...I just took what they gave me and went with it...
  5. pnseekr

    Stealth Hydro Grow

    Wish I could help you there. In the SH Bubbleponics system, the water level never gets to the net pots. As I understand it in DWC the plants practically sit in the nutes...wish I could be more help.
  6. pnseekr

    Stealth Hydro Grow

    No...they recommend using both throughout veg and bloom. I am getting two more (one of each) to bump it up a little. Good luck!
  7. pnseekr

    Stealth Hydro Grow

    My 1st grow. White Widow, I got the seeds from Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds. No hassles there. They delivered as promised in about 10 days. I am using the Steath Hydro system with 2 dual spectrum high output CFL's...8400 lumens. Using the basic SH grow and bloom nutes with their micro...
  8. pnseekr

    Hydroponics Grow Question

    The nutes that come with ti are very favorable to what most recommend. The b loom is just a little lite on the Nitrogen, but everybody seems to recommend backing off N after a very short while. Just make sure you wait until your plants get to 6-8" before adding nutes and only do 75% the first...
  9. pnseekr

    the Stealth hydro bubble ponics system inquire for my questions.

    Shorty...when did the root problem occur? How often did you change the water? Did you add any peroxide to kill algae? Were you using tap water? Any input you can give will help. I'd hate to lose these things in the end because the seem to be doing so well so far. Thanks
  10. pnseekr

    the Stealth hydro bubble ponics system inquire for my questions.

    Been enjoying weed for around 41 years now. Being the "respected" businessman I am, it has gotten harder and harder to find sources. So I have decided to go it myself. For someone who knows a ton about pot...I knew nothing about growing being very busy, I needed something easy and...
  11. pnseekr

    Where do you get your seeds? - Good Experiences... Please!!!

    I used Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds. Response was prompt. Had my seeds in 10 days. Price was fair...I suppose. Ordered 10 White Widow...sent 20. Germinated 6 and are all doing well. . Are they WW...we'll know soon. Good Luck! Buy White Widow marijuana cannabis seeds from Holland.
  12. pnseekr

    How long should I veg?

    Thanks for the input everyone...looking forward to "happy days"
  13. pnseekr

    Hydroponics Grow Question

    Thats OK Jeff. I germinated mine placed them in rockwool and put in the net pots. Just be very careful with your seedlings. They tell me you can germinate in the rockwool but it takes longer. Also Saine is right. You can build it cheaper. I'm just not mechanical and really don't like building...
  14. pnseekr

    Hydroponics Grow Question

    Got the same thing a month ago. Plants are doing great. A little crowded and might do 4 instead of 6 next time. Gonna wait to see how it does after I cull the males if I have any. Hoping I get at least 3 females out of the deal. Very easy. Make sure you get the "drain" will make your life...
  15. pnseekr

    How long should I veg?

    1st timer here...growing hydro and things seem to be going pretty well (knock on wood). Into it just a little over a month and plants are around 14 inches and standing tall...White Widow. Is it too early to flower? Patience is not my virtue. Would love some input from some experts...