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  1. BorisEltsin

    Can't figure this out. Nute burn maybe?!

    Hi guys, I have this problem that seems to be spreading to more and more of my plants that are in week 5 of flower period. Leaves curl up and dry but remain prevalently green colored. I grow in soil under 1000w gavita DE lamps that are about 1.5 meters above the canopy. I use canna...
  2. BorisEltsin

    Nylon upholstered holes. Am i doing this right ?

    Hello everybody, i would have a question about the holes i am going to put my plants in this year. So i dug up 3 holes for my guerilla grow (3ft x 3ft), but since there is a lot of vegetation around the area, the roots of the other plants always get under my plants and suck the precious...
  3. BorisEltsin

    Twisted leafs + yellowing. Can anyone tell what it is ?

    anyone ? no clues ? :o might it be ebola ?? :))
  4. BorisEltsin

    Twisted leafs + yellowing. Can anyone tell what it is ?

    Hello RIU members, i have this 3 Cream Caramels F1FV from Sweet Seeds outdoors. They are in 4'th week of flower. I have them in Biobizz all mix soil, been feeding them Canna nutrients ( Terra flores + Canna boost + pk13/14 + half dose of Nitrogen N27%). Two of them are doing just fine...
  5. BorisEltsin

    Are this plants in preflower?

    Hi guys. Got this Cream Caramels F1Fv from sweet seeds outdoor. In my area plants usually start flowering at the end of august beginning of sept, but now i think they are in preflower, and it.s only end of july. Could someone confirm that these are preflowers? Thanks a lot
  6. BorisEltsin

    Cannabis Plague Help pls

    Hope it'll work, first thing tomorrow ima go get the right chemicals then its surgery time :D anyway it's gonna be though getting rid of them because i think the main stalk is damaged and it's gonna be a bitch getting inside there to clean it up. i'll give it a try. Thanks a lot for sharing your...
  7. BorisEltsin

    Cannabis Plague Help pls

    Thanks a lot man that was very helpful.. i'm wondering if it would be ok to inject BT in the stem.. ?
  8. BorisEltsin

    Cannabis Plague Help pls

    Hello lads, i recently visited my spot and performed an autopsy on the last plant that died, and I think we were all wrong about the root rot. I pulled out the root mass and looked healthy, but when i cut in 2 the stem i found this fuckin yellow worm that was eating the insides of my plant ...
  9. BorisEltsin

    Cannabis Plague Help pls

    Thanks guys, i didn't think about root rot because i never had it, and this is the 2'nd year i grow in the same spot; but that could really be the answer because the soil in wich the holes are dug is like cley and lately it rained a lot. if this other plant dies i will definitely check the...
  10. BorisEltsin

    Cannabis Plague Help pls

    Hello guys, i have 22 outdoor plants that just started to flower. Most of them are massive and healthy, but some of them (12 ft and very vigorous and healthy) started to change colour and to dry out from bottom to top and die in just 1 week ! the last one that had this simptoms died 1 month ago...
  11. BorisEltsin

    Help a brother

    thanks gioua i think it might be the first one. maybe the rain water is acidic or something and this changes the pH of the soil and elements are being locked out. I'll feed them 25L of water with 6.5 pH and some fert rich in micro elements. Thanks a lot dude
  12. BorisEltsin

    Help a brother

    Hello lads i'm having some trouble (again) with some of my plants. Two of them to be precise. First it was just one now there are two. They are in 30 gal holes, filled with biobizz all mix soil; never got fed, only thing they got is rain water. Temperatures are constant 20-30° C. Anybody ever...
  13. BorisEltsin

    my gorilla is sick

    Nobody ever seen this ? c'mon i know there's somebody out there with experience that can give me a hint :D
  14. BorisEltsin

    my gorilla is sick

    Hello i have this Mody dick among my plants. It has been transplanted outdoors 3 weeks ago. It is in a 30 gal hole filled with biobizz allmix soil. Never fed her, she got only rain water. Temperatures are constant between 20-29° C, has been raining a bit every other day. Can somebody tell me...
  15. BorisEltsin

    Guerilla problems.

    What do you mean the sun hits it with water on the leafs ? That moisture on the leafs is because it recently rained. I also don't think that it's an insect problem because i've been spraying neem oil twice a week for the last 2 weeks. I tought it was stress from transplant and that it would get...
  16. BorisEltsin

    Guerilla problems.

    Hello all i have these plants outdoors since 3 weeks now. They are in 30 gal holes with biobizz all mix soil. Some of them have started to show spots on leaves which i don't know what they are. I didn't use any fert yet, all they get is rain water. temp is 14-25° Celsius. does anybody know what...
  17. BorisEltsin

    Gorilla problem

    Thanks for the kind words Sunbiz. It is true a lot of hard work and $ was invested so i really hope to make it till november :) . My main concern now is pest control, cause the spot is fukin infested by insects. I have some neem oil and BT but i'm not sure if i can apply this 2 products at the...
  18. BorisEltsin

    Gorilla problem

    Heya chickenpoop, thanks for stoping by. I doubt this could be heat stress, nitrogen deficiency also. Biobizz all mix should be heavily fertilized and the food in the soil should provide nutrients at least for a couple of months. Transplant stress could be the answer, i'll wait and see what...
  19. BorisEltsin

    Gorilla problem

    Hi guys i have recently finished to transplant my babies into the bush. I'm growing various strains which include Bubba Kush, White widdow, G13 haze, super lemon haze, big bud, moby dick. They are in 30 gal holes in the ground. The soil i'm using is biobizz all mix. It's been almost 2 weeks...
  20. BorisEltsin

    Can anybody tell what this is ?

    yeah i looked at some photos and i think that might be it thanks