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  1. S

    Deficiency or something else?

    Ya slime is a pretty good indicator :-) Terry has a good point with the "tea" hands down best way to bring the root zone back on track. I'm like Terry lazy, and like the premade teas. One could use earthworm casting, kelp and a few other goodies, bubble for 24-48 and get a much cheaper tea...
  2. S

    Did my OG kush hermie? Are these balls?

    Sadly yes I would think so. Best bet is get them gone. Be careful cutting them out, I would mist them first to help keep any pollen from getting to airborne.
  3. S

    Deficiency or something else?

    I'v had root rot and mine didn't look like those. Looks to me like your water/feed is staining your roots. Hydroguard has saved many of my plants so it can work. Looks to me like a cal def at least for me when my girls get looking like that. Try backing off the nutes for a week and bump up...
  4. S

    Flooding Ebb Buckets Too Often

    After cutting the top shoot for a clone, I just train the top branch, then top the bottom two branch after she recovers from cutting the clone (4-5 days later) then I just keep trainning each branch level and out. I do cheat at times and use a bamboo stake, lay it horizontal across the top...
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    Seedbank Reports and Confiscated Shipments

    The thing is what your also missing about the tude is they also have an apparel shop. They sell shoes,shirt ,hat.... I'v used a few times. They come in the same packages and addressed from the same shop as my seeds pack. I smoke with my mail person, been friends for years. She claims mostly...
  6. S

    Seedbank Reports and Confiscated Shipments

    Here's a few order I'v placed from the tude, I live in the Midwest. Mine hit customs in Chicago almost every time. I yet to wait more than 21 days from payment to my hand. Never had any issues out side a missing seed or crushed seed. Always been replaced on the next Order. 99% rate of...
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    Flooding Ebb Buckets Too Often

    very nice, what kinda of yield do u get from that 3 gal organic at 6 week veg. I just started with an organic soil mix, I'm at 10 weeks with some lemon thai kush, OG Kush and skunk#1. If this was hydro they would be monsters but I'm not sure how long to veg them in an water only soil. If i...
  8. S

    What is the most effective way to control odor in a dank grow room?

    You need to rate your filter to your fan. Your fan should be rated for the size of tent or space. Yes carbon filter is a must if you need odor control. Also Ona works well in a pinch (not long term or only means). A fan blowing over a bowl works well for a few hours and if you add some water...
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    SOS I don't know if it can recover

    If their is no growing tip, what do you think is going to grow, one leaf? As long as their is a growing tip and your cotyledons yes it will still grow.
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    SOS I don't know if it can recover

    if thats all their is left then no. I just had the same thing happen to me.
  11. S

    Flooding Ebb Buckets Too Often

    wow it sure dose Hope u didnt feel I was putting you down or any other thing. I do believe with your system, their is a point of running to many water cycles. As I stated before you are the best judge for your garden. I should have just stated, I do not think this problem is do to to many...
  12. S

    SOS I don't know if it can recover

    NICE thanks, I tried blood meal (as was told by my dro shop) but rabbits still munch away. Have to give the dog dodo and hair mic a try :-)
  13. S

    SOS I don't know if it can recover

    Dose it have a growing tip? Sorry cant really see. But if so it should, if no then sorry. It kinda looks like their is a tip tho.
  14. S

    Is this just from low pH? (coco) (pics)

    BINGO "I think that IF the GW is causing the pH to drop, it's from too high of a bacterial activity level in the rhizosphere" Thank you that was my point. Wish I could write my points like that hydroyed :-) TexasHank nice I hope to hear how it comes out. It would be great to see some one...
  15. S

    Flooding Ebb Buckets Too Often

    Well prove any of my statements are incorrect. I can prove some of your statement have been incorrect. Just because you don't agree, dose not mean I'm destroy or heckling anything. Please can we get back to the topic instead of your over inflated ego?
  16. S

    Flooding Ebb Buckets Too Often

    Dude? Buddy? You just said "could be genetic" now you say "How about temps? colder temps can cause purple." What are you really trying to say???? Have you even read this thread and what we are talking about? Well being the strain is larry OG NOT romulen and larry OG dose NOT have red...
  17. S

    Flooding Ebb Buckets Too Often

    Ya that whole Red stem saying is way over used. In 25 years of growing I'v yet to have one strain that has had red stems when they were health. Now leaf stem are are different matter. I'n not saying their no such thing as in the genetics, but I feel people want to say "could be genetics"...
  18. S

    Flooding Ebb Buckets Too Often

    Humm....Why your stem red??? Not so sure by that pic I would say a "Factual pic of an over watered plant". Once you correct their health I bet they will perk right up. Those roots like real nice, and health, not limp (lazy) which you would expect to see with under oxygenated medium. The...
  19. S

    Is this just from low pH? (coco) (pics)

    I don't have your answers, or should say scientific proof. I came across a few threads that discussed a large mycro heard scewing ph. My ph in coco always stays between 5.6-6.2, then I started using GW ( I only used once a week).After 3 weeks my ph started to drop. It stopped around 4.9-5.1...
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    Flooding Ebb Buckets Too Often

    At the core of the issue you calm "over watering" well....plants can grow in water as long as their is enough O2. So for you to "over water" it means their isnt enough O2 for some reason. Or over watering isnt the real issue. Maybe I should have used my ebb and grow bucket longer, I may have...