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  1. L

    White Stalk?

    Cheers Delvite, I'll give it a shot and see if I can improve the situation! Much appreciated.
  2. L

    White Stalk?

    Hoping someone may be able to help diagnose the white section on my THC Bomb. Whatever it is is killing the plant, and the branches are literally falling off! It's in a hydro system with two others, which aren't affected.
  3. L

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    All the seeds I've had from them have always been top quality. Add to that the number of freebies, and you can't go wrong. Grown both autos and fem seeds from them, both to good results - see pics! Small one is the Auto Anubis, the other one is the Doctor.:mrgreen:
  4. L

    Can Someone Tell Me From These Pics if I Should Flower? ++rep

    I think that you are still too early to start flowering - you really want to wait at least until the nodes become alternating. On a side note, I am also growing THC Bomb from seed, just coming to the end of week 5 from planting the seed (two weeks for germination/seedling stage, and been in veg...
  5. L

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    Using GMB from Advanced Nutrients - just following their nute calc. As mentioned earlier in the thread, due to a organisational cockup, and lack of space I've been feeding both the above plants from the res of the hydro system thats running in the same tent on a dripper system. As you can see...
  6. L

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    Thanks for the info - not much chance of me growing outside up here in the Scottish Highlands, so good to know for future projects. As mentioned above, will try the cal-mag foliar spray to see how that pans out, but do have the lime for backup if needed!
  7. L

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    Thanks for the conformation - I did think that it was mag to start with - have the cal mag on standby!! Will give them a foliar spray tonight before going to bed. Are the leaves likely to recover, or will they stay as they are - and what time scale am I looking at?
  8. L

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    To balance things out, and not just be negative, here is a pic of one of the other plants - The Doctor :weed:
  9. L

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    Update - I flushed with water 2 days ago, and to be honest not sure if things are better or worse! The plant is looking worse, but hopefully the flush is just releasing the nutes that were already in the soil. Here's a couple of pics - any pointers welcome!!
  10. L

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    Just reaching the end of week 4 - so probably about half way through. Had thought to water only this week, see how it responds, if good then I'll hand water the soil plants to the end.
  11. L

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    Cheers for that
  12. L

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    Ph if anything is slightly too low - due to mismanagement and lack of space, this plant is growing in soil alongside a hydro setup and being fed from the res. using a dripper system. Ph of the system sitting around the 5.7 mark. All the hydro plants are good with no deficiencies apparent - and...
  13. L

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    Here's a better pic of the plant, you can see a few of the leaves have the yellowing indicating Mag def (I think).
  14. L

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    It's the leaf in the centre foreground.
  15. L

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    I think that my plant is suffering from magnesium deficiency, but before I go and make any attempt at healing, I thought I'd post a pic for conformation. Many thanks in advance!
  16. L

    Part Wrinkled Leaves?

    That's what I thought, but have inspected the plant completely and nothing on it. I only noticed it today, so hoping that overnight nothing more happens - can only keep an eye on it...
  17. L

    Part Wrinkled Leaves?

    The plant has had this problem from the start, so I'm thinking that I must have done something when the plant was young - I don't think it's major but thought I'd best ask just incase. About 10% of the leaves suffer from deformity. Any help would be appreciated. On a separate issue a cutting has...
  18. L

    First Grow Worries

    Thanks for your input, regarding what they've been fed, they have only been in the soil 3 weeks, and the soil is supposed to have nutes for first 6 weeks, so have only been watering every 2-3 days, usually when top inch or so gets proper dry. The pots I'm using are the 6 liter air pots.
  19. L

    First Grow Worries

    Thanks for the feedback, I had thought that it was nute burn, any idea on what my next step should be - as I haven't been adding anything other than water, I'm not sure what to do next!
  20. L

    First Grow Worries

    I'm just starting out, so thought it may be easier to start in soil. Seeded in seeding soil and transferred to Canna Terra Professional, it supposedly has the nutes for the first six weeks. I haven't added anything other than water so far but seem to be suffering from what I think is nute burn...